Physics Quiz 14


Physics Quiz 14

1 / 50

CFC is used in _________________?

2 / 50

The shaft of a motor rotates at a constant angular speed of 360rev/min. Angle turned through in 1 sec in radian is________________?

3 / 50

Materials in which valence electrons are tightly bound to their atoms at low temperature are called___________________?

4 / 50

Study of living science relates with________?

5 / 50

Maximum number of components of a vector may be________________?

6 / 50

The equation ? = 1.22 ?/D was devised by_______________?

7 / 50

Smaller the least count of the instrument more is the measurement________________?

8 / 50

The operation of a transistor requires______________?

9 / 50

The error in measurement may occur due to_________________?

10 / 50

A magnetic compass will be deflected if it is kept near a____________________?

11 / 50

Speed of efflux can be determined by applying______________?

12 / 50

The circumference subtends an angle________________?

13 / 50

Formation of large molecule by joining small molecules is_________________?

14 / 50

Joule Thomson effect is based upon __________ ?

15 / 50

The projection of the particle moving in a circle with non-uniform speed executes ?

16 / 50

The blue colour of the sky is due to___________________?

17 / 50

The value of ? for diatomic gas is_______________?

18 / 50

Mach number is used in connection with the speed of___________?

19 / 50

Farad is the unit of___________?

20 / 50

The least distance of distinct vision for a normal eye is_______________?

21 / 50

The speed of sound in hydrogen is _____________ time than that in oxygen?

22 / 50

The effective way to increase the sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer is to___________________?

23 / 50

Radiations are used for the treatment of skin of a patient is_______________?

24 / 50

A wire obeys Hooks law is of length 11 when it is in equilibrium under a tension F1. Its length becomes 12 when the tension is increased to F2. The energy stored in the wire during this process is____________________?

25 / 50

Centripetal force performs_______________?

26 / 50

The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called____________?

27 / 50

The mass-energy relation is the outcome of____________?

28 / 50

The minimum wavelength of X-rays produced by the bombardment of electrons on the screen of a television set where the accelerating potential is 2.0K V will be______________?

29 / 50

Diffraction fringes are____________________?

30 / 50

The product of the frequency and time period is equal to_________________?

31 / 50

The distance covered by a body in one complete vibration is 20cm. What is the amplitude of body ___________________?

32 / 50

When a particle of charge q and mass m enters into a uniform magnetic field B moving with a velocity v perpendicular to the direction for the field it describes a circular path of radius___________________?

33 / 50

A central force is that which__________________?

34 / 50

An inductor may store energy in ________________?

35 / 50

In laser production the state in which more atoms are in the upper state than in the lower one is called_____________?

36 / 50

We prefer mercury as a thermometric substance because______________?

37 / 50

The scales of temperature are based on two fixed points which are_________________?

38 / 50

The mass-energy relation is the outcome of____________?

39 / 50

When K.E energy of SHM is maximum its__________________?

40 / 50

Heating a magnet will ____________________?

41 / 50

The energy radiated is directly proportional to the fourth power of Kelvins temperature is________________?

42 / 50

The dimension of elastic modulus is ___________________ ?

43 / 50

According to Einstein, the gravitational interaction is possible between_______________?

44 / 50

Gravitation force of sun is__________?

45 / 50

Which one is a unit vector ?

46 / 50

Newton?s Third Law of Motion?

47 / 50

The velocity of sound is greatest in___________________?

48 / 50

The linear momentum of an X-ray photon of wavelength 0.1A is_______________?

49 / 50

If the pressure of a given gas is held constant its density is inversely proportional to its absolute temperature. We can refer it as another statement of______________?

50 / 50

The radius of geostationary orbit from the centre of the earth is nearly______________?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh