Physics Quiz 15


Physics Quiz 15

1 / 50

The penetration power of alpha particle as compared to beta particle is_______________?

2 / 50

A capacitor of capacitance 30?F is charged by a constant current of 10m? A. If initially, the capacitor was uncharged what is the time taken for the potential difference across the capacitor to reach 300V ?

3 / 50

When the source of sound moves away form a stationary listener then ______________ occurs?

4 / 50

The waveform of S.H.M. is________________?

5 / 50

UV radiation can be produced by______________?

6 / 50

If a glass plate is inserted in between the plate of a capacitor in series with a lighted bulb the brightness of the bulb________________?

7 / 50

Nuclei having the same mass number but different atomic number are____________?

8 / 50

The branch of science which deals with the properties of matter and energy is called__________?

9 / 50

In n-p-n transistor, p works as______________?

10 / 50

Medium which sends signal from source to destination is known as ________ ?

11 / 50

In S.H.M. the velocity of a particle is maximum at________________?

12 / 50

Transuranic elements have an atomic number_______________?

13 / 50

As the temperature of black body is raised the wavelength corresponding to maximum intensity________________?

14 / 50

The sharpness of resonance is__________________?

15 / 50

If velocity is doubled then__________________?

16 / 50

Which of the following radiations are suitable for the treatment of an infection in the interior of the body ?

17 / 50

Total number of series in hydrogen spectrum is_____________?

18 / 50

The force beared by a wall on which water strikes normally at a speed of 10m/sec and at a discharge of 0.0001m3/sec is__________________?

19 / 50

Taking off rocket can be explained by __________________?

20 / 50

The semiconductor diode can be used as a rectifier because _______________?

21 / 50

The energy band occupied by the valence electrons is called___________________?

22 / 50

If a wheel of radius r turns through an angle of 30? then the distance through which any point on its rim moves is______________?

23 / 50

To find the r.m.s value of an alternating current mathematically we need to have ________________?

24 / 50

Slope of work time graph is equal to____________________?

25 / 50

Which branch of science plays an important role in engineering?

26 / 50

Select an alternative from of uncertainly principle from the following_______________?

27 / 50

Bracket series is obtained when all transition of electron terminate on_______________?

28 / 50

Why Ballistic missile fails in some circumstances of precision ?

29 / 50

Metabolism is the name of a process in which energy transformation takes place within______________?

30 / 50

A rubber cord of cross-sectional area 2cm2 has a length of 1m. When a tensile force of 10N is applied the length of the cord increases by 1cm. What is the youngs modulus of rubber ?

31 / 50

Final image produced by a compound microscope is_____________?

32 / 50

The carburettor of a car is an application of_______________?

33 / 50

Central spot of Newtons rings __________________?

34 / 50

Radioactive materials can be identified by measuring their_______________?

35 / 50

A sensitive galvanometer gives full-scale deflection with 100 mV. If the resistance of the galvanometer is 50? the maximum current that can flow through safely is__________________?

36 / 50

Momentum depends upon__________________?

37 / 50

It is possible to distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves form the property of __________________?

38 / 50

In damped harmonic oscillation which one decreases ?

39 / 50

The consumption of energy by a 60 watt bulb in 2 sec is_________________?

40 / 50

The path of alpha particle is_______________?

41 / 50

A photon is________________?

42 / 50

The unit of force is _________ and its symbol is ______________ Which is the correct pair ?

43 / 50

When a force is applied at one end of an elastic wire it produces at strain ? in the wire. If y is the youngs modulus of the material of the wire the amount of energy stored per unit volume of the wire is given by_________________?

44 / 50

If a diffraction grating is placed in the path of a light beam it reveals______________?

45 / 50

When car takes turn around a curve road, the passengers feel a force acting on them in a direction away from the center of the curve. It is due to__________________?

46 / 50

An immersion heater of 400 watts kept on for 5 hours will consume electrical power of __________________?

47 / 50

In monochromatic red light a blue book will probably appear to be_________________?

48 / 50

Beta particles ionize an atom_________________?

49 / 50

In an X-ray tube electrons each of charge e are accelerated through V potential difference allowed to hit a metal target. The wavelength of the X-rays emitted is_______________?

50 / 50

Waves produced at the surface of water by a pencil executing vibrating motion if held vertically at a frequency of 50Hz are__________________?

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