Physics Quiz 4
1 / 50
Value of permeability of free space in SI units is___________________?
2 / 50
Two vectors A and B are making angle ? with each other. The scalar projection of vector B on vector A is written as____________?
3 / 50
When arrow is released form its bow, its energy is transformed from _____________________?
4 / 50
In an electronic transition atom cannot emit______________?
5 / 50
Petrol engine is a________________?
6 / 50
A certain stress applied to an elastic material produces a certain strain in it. If the elastic limit is not exceeded the energy gained per unit volume of the material is given by_________________?
7 / 50
The cross product of two vectors is a negative vector when______________?
8 / 50
ML-1 T-2 is the dimension of_______________?
9 / 50
2nd law of motion gives the definition of________________?
10 / 50
An alpha particle is emitted from 88Ra226. What is the mass and atomic number of the daughter nucleus ?
11 / 50
A choke is used as a resistance in_________________?
12 / 50
Alpha particle ionizes an atom_________________?
13 / 50
Sphygmomanometers measures blood pressure ?
14 / 50
A fuse is placed in series with the circuit to protect against__________________?
15 / 50
The charge on neutron is_______________?
16 / 50
Magnifying power of simple microscope______________?
17 / 50
Name the SI unit having the symbol cd?
18 / 50
A simple pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a lift has time period T when the lift is at rest. When the lift falls freely, the time period is_________________?
19 / 50
One radian is equal to______________?
20 / 50
The mass attached to a spring executes ?
21 / 50
When X-rays are passed through successive aluminum sheets what happens to their thickness ?
22 / 50
A wire is stretched by a force F which causes an extension 1. The energy stored in the wire is____________________?
23 / 50
The number of significant figures in the length of a bar 6200mm measured by meter rod is_______________?
24 / 50
Crystals of a material can behave as_________________?
25 / 50
A point source of light placed in a homogeneous medium gives rise to ___________________?
26 / 50
In case of a simple pendulum, the cause of damping is__________________?
27 / 50
For confinement of electron in a box of radius 10-14m the electron, speed should be_____________?
28 / 50
When collision between the bodies in a system is inelastic in nature then for system ____________________?
29 / 50
Who were the pioneers of Physics?
30 / 50
When the body moves with terminal velocity the acceleration in the body become_____________?
31 / 50
Triple point of water is_____________________?
32 / 50
The rotational K.E of the hoop is equal to the______________?
33 / 50
Which one is the highest power multiple ?
34 / 50
For chain reaction to build up the size of the radioactive target should be______________?
35 / 50
The existence of Ether wind was experimentally rejected by__________________?
36 / 50
The waves that require a material medium for their propagation are called__________________?
37 / 50
In which process all the heat supplied is converted into work done ?
38 / 50
Numerical value of Boltzmanns constant is______________?
39 / 50
The efficiency of the Carnot engine working between 150?C and 50?C is__________?
40 / 50
In multiplication and division of measurement______________?
41 / 50
In Compton scattering, the change in wavelength is maxed if_______________?
42 / 50
Which one of the following is not a donor impurity ?
43 / 50
Galvanometer is a very sensitive device with______________________?
44 / 50
Non-inverting amplifier circuits have____________?
45 / 50
The dimension of force is__________________?
46 / 50
The radiations emitted form hydrogen filled discharge tube show____________?
47 / 50
Which one of the following materials is useful for making bulb filaments ?
48 / 50
When body is in motion, ____________ always changes?
49 / 50
Hydrogen atom does not emit X-rays because _________________?
50 / 50
The number of significant figures in 5.400 is________________?
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