Physics Quiz 7
1 / 50
A 100?F capacitor with a 12V source in series having frequency 50Hz will offer a capacitive reactance of about______________?
2 / 50
When one mirror of a Michelson Interferometer is moved a distance of 0.5 mm we observe 2000 fringes. What will be wavelength of light used ?
3 / 50
A current carrying conductor is placed in a uniform magnetic field parallel to it. The magnetic force experienced by the conductor is _____________________?
4 / 50
Quality of X-rays depends upon ____________ A-filament current B-accelerating voltage C-material of the target ?
5 / 50
Electromagnetic waves travel in free space with the speed of___________________?
6 / 50
Unit of G is ______________?
7 / 50
When two identical traveling waves are superimposed, the velocity of the resultant wave__________________?
8 / 50
In an angular motion, Newton?s second law of motion is_____________?
9 / 50
Farad is the unit of___________?
10 / 50
Gas molecules of different masses in the same container have the same average transnational kinetic energy which is directly proportional to their_____________?
11 / 50
Which of the following branch of Physics deals with the internal structure of earth?
12 / 50
In which quadrant the two rectangular components of a vector have same sign ?
13 / 50
X-rays are similar in nature to_______________?
14 / 50
For what displacement the P.E becomes 1/4 of its maximum value ?
15 / 50
In liquids and gases the current is due to the motion________________?
16 / 50
The branch of physics which deals with the living things is called_________?
17 / 50
One AMU is equal to__________________?
18 / 50
A 10? electric heater is connected to a 220V 50Hz mains supply. What is the peak value of the potential difference across the heater element ?
19 / 50
Distance covered by a freely falling body in 2 seconds will be__________________?
20 / 50
In the shadow of a ball the central portion appears bright that happens due to_________________?
21 / 50
A body is moving with uniform velocity. Its______________________?
22 / 50
Boltzman constant K in terms of universal gas constant R and Avagadros number Na is give as_______________?
23 / 50
One kilowatt hour is the amount of energy delivered during _______________?
24 / 50
Which phenomena can be applied to estimate the velocity of star with respect to earth ___________________?
25 / 50
The speed of light will be minimum while passing through ?
26 / 50
We can produce heat by________________?
27 / 50
The thrust on the rocket in the absence of gravitational force of attraction is__________________?
28 / 50
What are the dimensions of stress ?
29 / 50
Which one of the following physical quantities does not have the dimensions of force per unit area ?
30 / 50
To obtain an n-type semiconductor germanium crystal it must be doped with foreign atoms whose valency is_____________?
31 / 50
The force responsible for the vibratory motion of the simple pendulum is_________________?
32 / 50
Which one of the following cannot be polarized ?
33 / 50
The dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity are_____________?
34 / 50
Coefficient of viscosity of honey is greater than______________?
35 / 50
If the density of atoms remain same along any direction in a crystal is called__________________?
36 / 50
The collision between two bodies be elastic if bodies are_________________?
37 / 50
In the capacitive circuit the current___________________?
38 / 50
Addition of vector obeys_____________?
39 / 50
Which one is not a type of dynamic equilibrium ?
40 / 50
The source of tidal energy is____________________?
41 / 50
A completely filled band is called__________________?
42 / 50
Resistance of a wire on increasing its temperature will_________________?
43 / 50
For a simple pendulu,m the restoring force is caused by________________?
44 / 50
The density of human blood is nearly equal to____________?
45 / 50
X-rays are diffracted by a crystal but not by a diffraction grating because_____________?
46 / 50
When two bodies move toward each other with constant speeds the distance between them decreases at the rate of 6m / sec. If they move in the same direction the distance between them increases at the rate of 4m/sec. Then their speeds are________________?
47 / 50
In which quadrant, the only value of tan will be positive ?
48 / 50
Errors in the transmission of power through optic fiber can be minimized by using a______________?
49 / 50
The flow of ideal fluid is always_______________?
50 / 50
Thermions are________________?
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