Physiology Quiz 9


Physiology Quiz 9

1 / 50

Upstroke of action potential would lead to________________?

2 / 50

The largest function of the total peripheral resistance is due to _________________?

3 / 50

The most important function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is_______________?

4 / 50

Which of the following statements about pulmonary surfactant is false ?

5 / 50

Contractile element in myofibril is_______________?

6 / 50

The glomerular filtration rate of the human kidney may be determined by measuring the plasma clearance of______________?

7 / 50

Gastro ? intestinal hormone in the following is_______________?

8 / 50

Limitation of inspiration by vagal lung inflation signals is called the______________?

9 / 50

AB group has following agglutinins_______________?

10 / 50

Citrate is a useful anticoagulant because of its ability to_____________?

11 / 50

The intrinsic factor for vitamins B12 absorption is produced in the______________?

12 / 50

Most potent stimulus for secretin is______________?

13 / 50

Abdominal visceral pain is transmitted by ________________?

14 / 50

Smoking causes_____________?

15 / 50

Gastrin is produced by _____________?

16 / 50

Histiocytes are_____________?

17 / 50

The temperature of body is controlled by_______________?

18 / 50

Biconcave shape of RBC helps by___________________?

19 / 50

Normal adult person?s blood contains_____________?

20 / 50

Progesterone production in the ovary is primarily by______________?

21 / 50

Differential white blood cell counts in the laboratory are useful in the diagnosis of_______________?

22 / 50

Cardiac output in L/min divided by heart rate equals_______________?

23 / 50

Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the right by all of the following except_____________?

24 / 50

The catecholamines secreted by adrenal medulla______________?

25 / 50

Iodine is primarily important in the biochemical synthesis of______________?

26 / 50

Which is false regarding insulin______________?

27 / 50

The function of vitamin K is______________?

28 / 50

Posterior pituitary insufficiency leads to______________?

29 / 50

Due fear which of the following hormones increases rapidly _______________?

30 / 50

Respiratory center is situated in_______________?

31 / 50

Valve of Hasner is present at________________?

32 / 50

The type of hypoxia present in high attitude is_____________?

33 / 50

CO2 is carried in the blood________________?

34 / 50

Glomerular capillary pressure differ from other capillaries of body in______________?

35 / 50

In CNS, the myelination is carried out by _____________?

36 / 50

The hormone whose deficiency causes diabetes insipidus is released from which nucleus of pituitary ________________?

37 / 50

First heart sound occurs during the period of________________?

38 / 50

Secondary granules of neutrophils contain______________?

39 / 50

Which of these following is not an effect of insulin ?

40 / 50

Glucose tolerance test is usually done to assess_____________?

41 / 50

Cardiac output is maximum to _________________?

42 / 50

Pancreatic juice rich in water and electrolytes but poor in enzymes is secreted in response to ______________?

43 / 50

function of Merkel?s cells is_______________?

44 / 50

The following hormones increase the blood glucose level except_____________?

45 / 50

The principal site for granulocytic hemopoiesis in the adult human is________________?

46 / 50

The eosinophil count in the peripheral blood smear is increased in________________?

47 / 50

which of the following secretions has a very high pH________________?

48 / 50

Which of the following events DO NOT occur in rods in response to light_______________?

49 / 50

All are actions of CCK except_______________?

50 / 50

Pepsinogen is activated by ___________________ ?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh