Polymer Technology Quiz 2
1 / 35
Teflon is___________?
2 / 35
The monomer for the production of neoprene rubber is__________?
3 / 35
Thermosetting polymers as compared to thermoplastic polymers_______?
4 / 35
Temperature and gage pressure maintained during the manufacture of cold SBR (styrene butadiene rubber) are___________?
5 / 35
Polypropylene compared to polythene is_____?
6 / 35
Which of the following types of polymers has the strongest inter particle forces ?
7 / 35
Synthetic polymer produced by using terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol is __________?
8 / 35
Which of the following natural bio polymers are formed as a result of polymerisation of amino-acids ?
9 / 35
Polyurethane cannot be used for making______?
10 / 35
The main use of butadiene is______?
11 / 35
Vulcanisation of rubber decreases its___________?
12 / 35
Viscosity of a polymer solution or melt __________?
13 / 35
Temperature and gage pressure maintained during the manufacture of hot SBR (styrene butadiene rubber) are______?
14 / 35
Which of the following has the weakest intermolecular forces ?
15 / 35
Which of the following polymers belong to the class of formaldehyde resin ?
16 / 35
Polystyrene is a _____ plastic at room temperature?
17 / 35
Which of the following polymers is used for making a non stick coating on frying pans ?
18 / 35
Polythene is a/an_________?
19 / 35
The synthetic fibres produced from ______ are known as rayon?
20 / 35
The conversion of caprolactam in the above case is about _____ percent?
21 / 35
Which of the following is an inorganic polymer ?
22 / 35
Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) as compared to natural rubber has________?
23 / 35
The rate controlling step in the manufacture of silicone rubber is the__________?
24 / 35
Which of the following is not a thermoplastic material ?
25 / 35
Transistor parts and refrigerator components are normally made of_______?
26 / 35
Silicone resins, which are highly water repellent and has good heat resistance cannot be used_____?
27 / 35
The monomer of poly vinyl chloride (PVC) is___________?
28 / 35
Tyres are made by_____?
29 / 35
Thermoplastic resins usually______?
30 / 35
Zeigler process_________?
31 / 35
Which of the following polymers has the tendency of decomposing before melting ?
32 / 35
The organic acid monomer in nylon-66 is ___________?
33 / 35
Which of the following is the most important rubber compounding ingredient which is used to improve wearing qualities of both natural rubber & SBR by imparting toughness ?
34 / 35
SBR is produced by the copolymerisation of butadiene & styrene by employing emulsion polymerisation. The weight ratio of styrene and butadiene is maintained at__________?
35 / 35
Polyvinyl alcohol is used as a_____?
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