Process Control and Instrumentation Quiz 2
1 / 50
Flow rate of those fluids which are insensitive to changes in their density, viscosity or flow velocity profile can be best measured by a _________?
2 / 50
For an input forcing function, X(t) = 2t2, the Laplace transform of this function is_________?
3 / 50
Degree to which an instrument indicates the changes in measured variable without dynamic error is called its _____?
4 / 50
Flow rate measurement of hostile acids and alkalis can be most suitably done by a/an _________?
5 / 50
Emf generated in a thermocouple depends on the temperature _____?
6 / 50
E.m.f. generated by thermocouples is of the order of _________?
7 / 50
In a single tank system, the transfer function of ______ to inlet flow rate is 1/(TS+1)?
8 / 50
Gain margin is equal to the__________?
9 / 50
Emission spectroscopy is used for___________?
10 / 50
Dead zone is the___________?
11 / 50
For increased speed of response of an expansion pressure spring thermometer, the thermometer bulb should have a___________?
12 / 50
Flow rate through an orifice is ______ the pressure differential?
13 / 50
Flow rate of a river is measured by a/an______?
14 / 50
Flame photometry is used for the determination of compositional analysis of________?
15 / 50
Emf developed by a thermocouple while measuring a temperature of 800?C is about 31 mV. The type of thermocouple used is_________?
16 / 50
For a feed back control system to be stable, the __________?
17 / 50
Conversion formula for converting amplitude ratio (AR) into decibels is _________?
18 / 50
Flow rate of sludge is not measured by a/an__________?
19 / 50
In an exothermic chemical reactor, the manipulated variable is the flow rate of________?
20 / 50
Identify an unbounded input from inputs whose transfer functions are given below_______?
21 / 50
In a second order under damped system, the__________?
22 / 50
In a closed loop system, the process to be controlled is an integrating process with transfer function 1/2s. The controller proposed to be used in an integral controller with transfer function 1/T1s. When a step change in set point is applied to such a closed loop system, the controlled variable will exhibit___________?
23 / 50
For the time domain function f(t) = t, the Laplace transform of ?0 t f(t) dt is given by_____?
24 / 50
Helium gas constant volume thermometer is suitable for the measurement of a temperature of _______ ?C?
25 / 50
In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the inlet temperature of heating/cooling fluid is the _____ variable?
26 / 50
In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the flow rate of heating/cooling fluid is the _______ variable?
27 / 50
In a single tank system, the transfer function of level to inlet flow rate is___________?
28 / 50
Dome temperature of blast furnace stove is most accurately measured by a______?
29 / 50
For measuring the temperature of a red hot furnace, which is the most suitable instrument ?
30 / 50
Dilute wine was used as a thermometric liquid initially to develop temperature scale. First empirical temperature scale developed was the ______ scale?
31 / 50
Emf developed by a thermocouple, while measuring a temperature of 600?C is about 5.5 mV. The type of thermocouple used is________?
32 / 50
Continuous measurement of moisture in paper is done by________?
33 / 50
In Bode plot, A.R. vs. w is plotted on a/an ______ graph paper?
34 / 50
High temperature of around 2000?C of incandescent gas mantles is measured by a/an ___________?
35 / 50
For two non-interacting first order systems connected in series, the overall transfer function is the _______ of the individual transfer functions?
36 / 50
Hot wire anemometer is used for the measurement of_____?
37 / 50
Feed forward controller accounts for the _______ changes?
38 / 50
Humidity of air can be determined by a___________?
39 / 50
Gas analysis is commonly done using the_____?
40 / 50
Emf developed by a thermocouple while measuring a temperature of 400?C is 22 mV. The type of thermocouple used is _____?
41 / 50
Continuous measurement of specific gravity of a liquid is done by ___________?
42 / 50
In a feed-back control system G and H denote open loop and close loop transfer functions respectively. The output-input relationship is______?
43 / 50
In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the outlet temperature of heating/cooling fluid is the ______ variable?
44 / 50
Continuous shell temperature measurement in a liquid-liquid heat exchanger is done by a ___________?
45 / 50
Dilatometer is used to measure ___________?
46 / 50
Gas chromatography is used for the measurement of _________?
47 / 50
Find the ultimate gain and frequency for a proportional controller in the case of a process having the transfer function Gp(s) = 1/(4s + 1)(2s + 1)(s + 1) ?
48 / 50
Flapper nozzle is used in a/an _______ controller?
49 / 50
If response of a control system is to be free of offset and oscillation, the most suitable controller is__________?
50 / 50
Continuous measurement of moisture content of paper in paper industry is done by measuring the__________?
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