Process Control and Instrumentation Quiz 4


Process Control and Instrumentation Quiz 3

1 / 50

Liquid discharge from a tank or reservoir cannot be measured by ___________?

2 / 50

Pressure of 0.0001 absolute psi can be measured by ______ gauge?

3 / 50

Phase lag of the frequency response of a second order system to a sinusoidal forcing function_______?

4 / 50

Polarograph is meant for the analysis of ___________?

5 / 50

Platinum resistance thermometer is the international standard for temperature measurement between ___________?

6 / 50

Phase margin is equal to________?

7 / 50

On-off control which is a special case of proportional control, has a band width of about ______ percent?

8 / 50

Liquid flow rate in a small channel is best measured by a/an______?

9 / 50

Mcleod gauge is used to measure the ___________?

10 / 50

Liquid levels in autoclaves are measured by _________?

11 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

12 / 50

Magnetic flowmeters are generally not used for the velocity/flow measurement of hydrocarbons due to their ?

13 / 50

Out of the following temperature measuring instruments, the measurement accuracy will be minimum for the _________?

14 / 50

Pick out the first order system from among the following ?

15 / 50

Nichol?s chart deals with ___________?

16 / 50

Paramagnetism method is not used for the composition determination of _______ in gases?

17 / 50

Minute depression of freezing point of a liquid solvent on addition of a solid solute can be best measured by a_________?

18 / 50

Mercury thermometer is commonly used for low temperature measurement. The freezing point and boiling point of mercury are respectively ______ ?C?

19 / 50

Maximum differential pressure in liquid manometer is _______ psi?

20 / 50

In second order underdamped system ?

21 / 50

Nickel percentage in invar which is an iron-nickel alloy, and is used as a thermocouple material is ___________?

22 / 50

In Bode plot, ? vs. ? is plotted on a/an _______ graph paper?

23 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement ?

24 / 50

Measurement of sub-zero Celsius temperature in industry is done most commonly by ___________?

25 / 50

Mcleod gauge measures the ______ pressure?

26 / 50

pH meter has ______?

27 / 50

Pirani gauge is used for the measurement of_________?

28 / 50

On-off controllers are normally used for_________?

29 / 50

Load cells are used for the measurement of ___________?

30 / 50

Mass spectrometer is used for the composition analysis of______?

31 / 50

Liquid argon level in a pressurised storage tank (at 3 kg/cm2) is measured by a/an ______?

32 / 50

Number of poles in a system with transfer function 1/(s2 + 2s2 + 1) is _________?

33 / 50

Photoelectric pyrometers are suitable in the temperature range of _________ ?C?

34 / 50

Out of the following thermocouple wire insulating material, the highest temperature rating is for_________?

35 / 50

Instrumentation in a plant offers the advantage of________?

36 / 50

Phase lag of the sinusoidal response of a first order system is __________?

37 / 50

Nitrogen gas constant volume thermometer is suitable for measuring a temperature of ______ ?C?

38 / 50

Liquid column manometers are used for measuring the pressure _______ kgf/cm2?

39 / 50

Optical activity of a solution can be determined using a _____?

40 / 50

Polarisation of light forms the working principle of a_______?

41 / 50

Platinum resistance thermometer can be used upto antimony point which is _____ ?C, and is the temperature of equilibrium between solid antimony & liquid antimony at normal atmospheric pressure?

42 / 50

Pick out the most suitable instrument for measuring temperature in the range of-40 to 425?C ?

43 / 50

Measurement of pressure in ammonia reactor is done by ___________?

44 / 50

Non-metallic diaphragm used as pressure sensor in instruments is generally made of___________?

45 / 50

Mercury thermometer can be used to measure the temperature upto _____ ?C?

46 / 50

Liquid flow rate in an open channel cannot be measured by a/an ___________?

47 / 50

Pick out the one which is a first order instrument ?

48 / 50

Pick out the wrong statement?

49 / 50

Pressure of 0.01 psi (absolute) can be measured by _______ gauge?

50 / 50

Mercury manometer (U-tube type) exemplifies a _______ order system?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh