Process Control and Instrumentation Quiz 5


Process Control and Instrumentation Quiz 5

1 / 50

Water is entering a storage tank at a temperature T0 and flow rate Q0 and leaving at a flow rate Q and temperature T. There are negligible heat losses in the tank. The area of cross-section of the tank is A0. The model that describes the dynamic variation of temperature of water in the tank with time is given as_________?

2 / 50

The transfer function of a first order system is_______?

3 / 50

The response of two tanks of same size and resistance in series is ___________?

4 / 50

What is the Laplace transform of impulse input having magnitude ?X? ?

5 / 50

The second order system with the transfer function 4/(s2 + 2s + 4) has a damping ratio of _____?

6 / 50

Thermodynamic Celsius scale of temperature measurement is_________?

7 / 50

Thermistors which have a very high temperature co-efficient of resistivity belong to the class of solid called_________?

8 / 50

The time constant of a first order process with resistance R and capacitance C is___________?

9 / 50

Use of I-control along with P-control facilitates ?

10 / 50

Thermal wells are used in the temperature measurement to______?

11 / 50

Thermal conductivity measurement com-prises the working principle of a__________?

12 / 50

The transfer function for a P-D controller is_________?

13 / 50

Thermocouple in a thermal well behaves as a true _________?

14 / 50

Thermistor, which has high temperature co-efficient of resistivity, is used as the sensing element in resistance thermometer. It is a/an ?

15 / 50

The transfer function for an ideal proportional plus reset controller (reset time T) is________?

16 / 50

Thermistors are used in _____ devices?

17 / 50

The unit of ?time constant? of a system is the same as that of_____?

18 / 50

Thermal conductivity based continuous flue gas analyser makes use of varying thermal conductivity of the constituents of flue gases. Which of the following constituents of flue gases has the maximum thermal conductivity ?

19 / 50

The offset introduced by proportional controller with gain Kc in response of first order system can be reduced by ______?

20 / 50

The root locus method, a pole of a transfer function G(s) is the value of s for which G(s) approaches _____?

21 / 50

The unit step response of the transfer function 1/(s2 + 2s + 3) _________?

22 / 50

The open loop transfer function of a process is K [{(s + 1) (s + 4)}/{(s + 2) (s + 3)}]. In the root locus diagram, the poles will be at _____?

23 / 50

Thermocouple is suitable for measuring__________?

24 / 50

The time constant of a unity gain, first order plus time delay process is 5 min. If the phase lag at a frequency of 0.2 rad/min is 60?, then the dead time (in minutes) is_________?

25 / 50

The root locus plot of the roots of the characteristics equation of a closed loop system having the open loop transfer function K (s + 1)/[2 (2s + 1) (3s + 1)] will have a definite number of loci for variation of K from 0 to ?. The number of loci is________?

26 / 50

The time taken for a radioactive element to reduce to 50% of its original weight is ______ years, if its half life period is 12 years?

27 / 50

The unit step response of the transfer function (2s ? 1)/[(3s + 1) (4s + 1)] reaches its final steady state asymptotically after ______?

28 / 50

Thermistors are made of___________?

29 / 50

Thermal conductivity cell is the primary element of a/an ______ analyser?

30 / 50

Very low pressure is expressed in microns (?), which is equal to _____ mm of Hg column (absolute) at 0?C?

31 / 50

Thermal wells used in temperature measurements should have ___________?

32 / 50

The pressure sensing element of elastic type pressure gauge is never made in the form of a__________?

33 / 50

The thermal emf-temperature relationship of most thermocouples is__________?

34 / 50

Vapour actuated pressure spring thermometer does not require ambient temperature compensation. Ambient temperature compensation is provided in gas or liquid expansion pressure spring thermometer by___________?

35 / 50

What is the dynamic error in a critically damped second order instrument for a ramp input (At) ?

36 / 50

Thermal well made of ______ gives the fastest speed of response, while measuring temperature by thermocouples?

37 / 50

Time constant is the ___________?

38 / 50

Volumetric expansion is the working principle of the _______ thermometers?

39 / 50

To increase the speed of response of a pressure spring liquid or gas expansion thermometer, the clearance space between the thermometer bulb and the thermal well should not be filled with _________?

40 / 50

Thermal conductivity measurement is used for the determination of_________?

41 / 50

Transfer function of transportation lag is_____?

42 / 50

The term analogous to the electrical current in a thermal system is the__________?

43 / 50

The temperature of tempering oil baths maintained at 400?C during heat treatment of steel is measured by a/an ______ thermocouple?

44 / 50

The open loop transfer function of a control system is KR/(1 + TS). This represents _______?

45 / 50

The transfer function for a PID controller is (where, ? i is the integral (reset) time and ?D is the derivative time.) ?

46 / 50

Turbine flow meters are suitable for__________?

47 / 50

The operation of a Rotameter is based on _________?

48 / 50

Water is flowing through a series of four tanks and getting heated as shown in figure. It is desired to design a cascade control scheme for controlling the temperature of water leaving the tank 4 as there is a disturbance in the temperature of a second stream entering the tank 2. Select the best place to take the secondary measurement for the second loop?

49 / 50

The transfer function of a second order system is _______?

50 / 50

The term analogous to voltage in a single tank system is the________?

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Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh