Refractory Technology Quiz 3
1 / 50
Permeability of bricks is a measure of the__________?
2 / 50
Porosity is induced in insulating refractories by adding_________?
3 / 50
Pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE) of a refractory is the measure of its__________?
4 / 50
RUL of refractories depends on the _______?
5 / 50
Si percentage in silica refractories used in the walls of coke oven is about________?
6 / 50
Silica bricks have low spalling resistance below 600?C, due to its_________?
7 / 50
Porosity of silica bricks varies from _______ percent?
8 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement?
9 / 50
Silicon carbide refractories are used in the ______?
10 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement ?
11 / 50
12 / 50
Outer combustion chamber of blast furnace stove is lined with ______ bricks?
13 / 50
Quartz is_____?
14 / 50
Semi-silica bricks compared to silica bricks have________?
15 / 50
Rotary kilns meant for calcination of limestone are lined with chrome magnesite in _______ zone?
16 / 50
Refractoriness under load (RUL) is the most important property for the refractory bricks__________?
17 / 50
18 / 50
Presence of MgO in alumino-silicate refractories ________ its refractoriness?
19 / 50
Refractoriness of a typical silica brick corresponds to Segar cone number, ?32?, which is equivalent to a temperature of ______ ?C?
20 / 50
Refractoriness under load (RUL) of fireclay bricks (under a load of 2 kg/cm2) is _______ ?C?
21 / 50
Refractoriness under loads (RUL) is quite close to the fusion temperature (PCE) for ______ bricks?
22 / 50
PCE value (Segar cone) of Superduty refractories is more than 33, which is equivalent to a temperature of _____ ?C?
23 / 50
Silica bricks are attacked by basic slags at high temperature. Which of the following is not used solely as a binding material ?
24 / 50
Refractories are dried in the ________?
25 / 50
Rate of slag attack on refractories increases with rise in temperature due to the_____?
26 / 50
Sillimanite (Al2O3.SiO2) refractory, which is a neutral refractory, is not used in_________?
27 / 50
Panel test determines the ______ of refractories?
28 / 50
Ramming masses are used for______?
29 / 50
Roof of a basic open hearth furnace is lined with _______ bricks?
30 / 50
Silicon carbide refractories have very low _____?
31 / 50
Silica bricks are never used for lining the______?
32 / 50
Resistance to slag attack of a refractory _______?
33 / 50
Silica refractories___________?
34 / 50
Pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE) value (Segar cone) of ?Superduty refractories? is more than 33 which corresponds to a temperature of ______ ?C?
35 / 50
36 / 50
Roof of a basic electric furnace is made of ______ bricks?
37 / 50
Refractory castables are used for___________?
38 / 50
Periclase is_____?
39 / 50
Refractory materials are never used in the construction of __________?
40 / 50
Silica refractories are not used in __________?
41 / 50
Pure bauxite is the best raw material for the manufacture of high alumina refractories, in which maximum alumina content can be as high as ______ percent?
42 / 50
Segar cones are used for the determination of _____ of refractories?
43 / 50
Refractoriness/fusion points of ?Superduty? refractories is ________ ?C?
44 / 50
Refractory bricks having lower porosity have___________?
45 / 50
Porosity of fireclay refractories is ________ percent?
46 / 50
Periclase refractory contains mainly_________?
47 / 50
Refractory bricks with lower permeability is produced by using ___________?
48 / 50
Pure oxide refractories are generally monocrystalline in nature and are self bonded ________ bricks are generally used as moderator in nuclear reactors?
49 / 50
Refractories subjected to alternate cycles of heating & cooling are liable to loose their resistance to___________?
50 / 50
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