Sociology Quiz 1
1 / 50
Which of the following is considered a total institution ?
2 / 50
Which of these can sociology not help us with ?
3 / 50
If we fail to respect and obey social norms we may face punishment through informal or formal ?
4 / 50
The Frankfurt School built upon the work of Marx but the importance of which of the following did its members argue that he under emphasized ?
5 / 50
In order for a variable to be measured, a researcher must provide a (n) ?
6 / 50
7 / 50
Which of the following is an accurate statement about rumors ?
8 / 50
Which of the following was not identified as a major theoretical perspective on social change ?
9 / 50
Which theoretical perspective sees the family as benefiting some people more than others ?
10 / 50
In western world urbanization has accompanied________________?
11 / 50
De Gournay coined the phrase an illness of bureau mania to describe ?
12 / 50
The survival of the fittest was the concept presented by_______________?
13 / 50
The abbreviation ?NIMBY? stands for ?not in my backyard? a cry often heard when people protest____________?
14 / 50
What is behavior towards a group or individual which treats them differently from other groups or individuals called ?
15 / 50
Diffusion is a _______ way process?
16 / 50
Which sociological theory emphasizes the role of language and literacy in fighting against cultural subordination ?
17 / 50
According to functionalist?s society must be concerned with motivation because the duties associated with various statuses ?
18 / 50
The process by which cultural traits spread from one group of society to another is called_____________?
19 / 50
The approach to crime prevention based on increased surveillance (such as CCTV and Neighborhood Watch schemes) and target hardening (such as a car immobilizers and better home security) is known as what ?
20 / 50
The rise of globalization was greatly facilitated by_____________?
21 / 50
A university that serves as a meeting ground for people seeking marital partners is performing_______________?
22 / 50
When a person uses more than one substance to maintain his dependence is called_____________?
23 / 50
Which one of the following religious denominations is most likely to report the experience of being ?born again? ?
24 / 50
Changes of relationships are primarily___________________________?
25 / 50
Students at Bailey University staged a sit-in to protest the University?s decision to cancel its longstanding policy of exempting graduating seniors from final exams Which strongest framework for analyzing this situation?
26 / 50
When in sociology we speak of researchers using controls, we mean_______________?
27 / 50
Which of these is Steven Lukes,s third dimension of power _____________?
28 / 50
Which of the following is not a mode of production ?
29 / 50
Cross-cultural research on infant care has found the following______________?
30 / 50
The use of terms such as flaming and chat rooms by the subculture of early Internet users is an example of____________?
31 / 50
Civil society includes______________?
32 / 50
What percentage of the global population lives in What the World Bank describes as high-income countries ?
33 / 50
Some conflict theorists argue that the state is an instrument that is manipulated by the capitalist class This manipulation is accomplished through ?
34 / 50
Which of these aspects of organization is most associated with the work of Michel Foucault ?
35 / 50
Which policy is supported by the theory of broken windows ?
36 / 50
Research on the family life course indicates that_____________?
37 / 50
Which of the following is not part of the argument made against globalization by sceptics ?
38 / 50
Which one of these statements is NOT a definition of the knowledge economy ?
39 / 50
Europeans gave firearms whiskey and small pox to India in exchange of corn potatoes tobacco This is an example of_____________?
40 / 50
A form of learning in which the consequences of behavior determine the probability of its future occurrence is called______________?
41 / 50
Role and status are two aspects of same____________?
42 / 50
Which of these is a broadly Weberian idea ?
43 / 50
An ecclesia is___________________?
44 / 50
Simple supernaturalism_______________?
45 / 50
The number of registered NGOs in Pakistanis_____________?
46 / 50
In a study of styles of grand parenting sociologists Andrew Cherlin and Frank Furstenberg Jr concluded that the most common style was for grandparents to ___________?
47 / 50
What is social role ?
48 / 50
The practice of legally enforced marriage within caste is called____________?
49 / 50
The salient features of Horticulturalist society are______________?
50 / 50
Socialization is a series of stages in which the individual learns to participate in various levels of organization of society and internalizes a cognitive frame of reference for interpersonal relations It is____________?
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