Sociology Quiz 25
1 / 50
Which of the following positions is NOT associated with the hyper globalizers ?
2 / 50
Changes in the social structure of a society is called_______________?
3 / 50
A country becomes over populated when_____________?
4 / 50
5 / 50
In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had_____________?
6 / 50
The Functionalist view on social change sees development and modernization both________________?
7 / 50
In 50s and 60s the national affairs of the country were controlled by_____________?
8 / 50
Which of the following is true regarding the functionalist and conflict theories of social stratification ?
9 / 50
Which term describes societies where the family name and the inheritance of property passes down the male line ?
10 / 50
Nineteenth-century theories of social change reflect the pioneering work in biological evolution done by____________?
11 / 50
Characteristics of Scientific observation are____________?
12 / 50
A group with which we identify and to which we belong is called a(n) ?
13 / 50
The four ideal types of social action that Weber identified were as follows instrumentally-rational value-rational traditional and____________?
14 / 50
In order for a deviant act to be considered a crime______________?
15 / 50
Punjabi and Sindhi cultures are_________________?
16 / 50
According to Davis (1995) women may seek cosmetic surgery because_____________?
17 / 50
Which of the following is NOT one of the properties of a minority group ?
18 / 50
Totalitarianism ?
19 / 50
Which term describes families in which at least one adult has children from a previous marriage or relationship ?
20 / 50
Occupational gender segregation is used to explain ?
21 / 50
Sociological studies of colonialism suggest that____________?
22 / 50
Freud saw self and society in basic conflict not in harmony He named this self as_________________?
23 / 50
In the United States we often formalize norms into_____________?
24 / 50
The conscious and rational part of the self is______________?
25 / 50
The third age of the life course is said to involve ?
26 / 50
Social norms are_____________?
27 / 50
The rate of rate of return or a mailed naire is usually_____________?
28 / 50
Sociology can be considered a social science because________________?
29 / 50
Which of the following vehicles emits the most carbon per passenger per kilometer ?
30 / 50
?Underclass ?refers to____________?
31 / 50
Agriculture and horticulture was developed in______________?
32 / 50
The Maasai of Kenya is an example of_______________?
33 / 50
Jean Piaget found that although newborns have no self in the sense of a looking glass image they are quiet ?
34 / 50
The of ?who defines deviance? has principally been addressed by what sociological theory ?
35 / 50
A social condition in which values are conflicting weak or absent is called____________?
36 / 50
Rate of mobility in modern societies is determined by (1) structural factor and (2) ?
37 / 50
In participant observation research the role of the ?complete? participant forces the researcher to be_______________?
38 / 50
Which of the following is not recognized as a level of society ?
39 / 50
The first stage, according to Comte was_______________?
40 / 50
Karl Marx held that a social movement-the revolt of the proletariat -would help workers overcome feelings of_______________?
41 / 50
Karl Marx emphasized ____________ as a major factor in shaping social life ?
42 / 50
The purpose of a reference group is to serve a (n)_________________?
43 / 50
It is useful to have a diversity of theories in sociology because_________________?
44 / 50
Sociologist Alvin Goldner sees Erving Goffman?s work on social behavior as implicitly reaffirming the status quo especially social class inequalities Gouldner,s critique is associated with the_____________?
45 / 50
Which of these is not an example of a qualitative research method ?
46 / 50
Which of these statements best represents Wright-Mills,s idea of the sociological imagination ?
47 / 50
Louis Wirth argued that a relatively large and permanent settlement leads to distinctive patterns of behavior which he called_______________?
48 / 50
Judicial decisions are a part of_____________?
49 / 50
Symbolic racism_____________?
50 / 50
The first stage of the demographic transition is called the_____________?
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