Software Engineering Quiz 24
1 / 50
Which paradigm relies on the natural compartmentalization of a problem and organizes team members to work on pieces of the problem with little active communication among themselves ?
2 / 50
___________ are specially designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such as your car or your electronic thermostat ?
3 / 50
JAR file contains the compressed version of_________________?
4 / 50
Which of the following is not an option to achieve reliable cost and effort estimate ?
5 / 50
Which of the following keys is used to move the cursor to the end of the paragraph?
6 / 50
Which of the following is the performance attributes of processModel ?
7 / 50
The table created by lexical analysis to describe all literals used in the source program, is________________?
8 / 50
Which of the following is NOT a guideline for successfully conducting a Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) session ?
9 / 50
Which of the following commands is used to obtain a list of all files by modification time ?
10 / 50
According to ISO 9001, inspection and testing comes under which management responsibility ?
11 / 50
Which is the first step in the software development life cycle ?
12 / 50
The following program: public class Test{ static boolean is OK; public static void main(String args[]){System.out.print(is OK); } } ?
13 / 50
How is generalization implemented in Object Oriented programming languages ?
14 / 50
MTTC falls the the category of____________________?
15 / 50
Which of the following term is best defined by the statement: ?The names of the operations in the ?provides? and ?requires? interfaces are different.? ?
16 / 50
Which of the following is not a part of a test design document ?
17 / 50
The CMM model is a technique to____________________?
18 / 50
Pick the odd one ______________________?
19 / 50
Which reliability requirements are concerned with maintaining copies of the system ?
20 / 50
One byte is made of_________________?
21 / 50
Which method recommends that very frequent system builds should be carried out with automated testing to discover software problems ?
22 / 50
Management information system usually ?
23 / 50
The command used to compare the files is known as_________________?
24 / 50
Which of the following is essential for success, when formal methods are used for the first time ?
25 / 50
All fault-tolerant techniques rely on__________________?
26 / 50
Which of the following is not a SQA plan for a project ?
27 / 50
Which option will be used with ps command to slow the entire command line of the process being run ?
28 / 50
Which of the following is not used in measuring the size of the software_____________________?
29 / 50
A set of inputs, execution preconditions and expected outcomes is known as a __________________?
30 / 50
What command is used to remove files ?
31 / 50
Which method of java is invoked by JVM to reclaim the inaccessible memory location ?
32 / 50
How to implement authentication via web.config ?
33 / 50
The _____________ specifies the behavior of a system or a part of a system?
34 / 50
BPR stands for__________________?
35 / 50
An event that occurs at some point in time when the system does not deliver a service as expected by its users is called __________________?
36 / 50
Which of the following does not affect the software quality and organizational performance ?
37 / 50
The __________________ property affects how the .Net Framework handles dates, currencies, sorting and formatting issues?
38 / 50
Testing done without planning and Documentation is called_________________?
39 / 50
The context diagram is also known as __________________?
40 / 50
Degree to which design specifications are followed in manufacturing the product is called_________________?
41 / 50
Ensuring that no more than the allocated number of people are allocated at any given time in Software Scheduling is known as ________________?
42 / 50
The first computer was programmed using_____________________?
43 / 50
In N-version programming which is the independent generation of N, the value of N is___________________?
44 / 50
__________ processing, involves duplicating, sorting and filling data. ________ processing with electronic scanners involves transforming and entering the data into an electronic form?
45 / 50
Which granularity level of testing checks the behavior of module cooperation ?
46 / 50
Cause-and-effect analysis is performed in the following phase of systems analysis________________?
47 / 50
Name an evaluation technique to assess the quality of test cases ?
48 / 50
A(n) _________________ camera is a peripheral device used to capture still images in a digital format taht can be easily transferred into a computer and manipulated using graphics software?
49 / 50
UML depicts information systems as a collection of________________?
50 / 50
Deciding how to carry out specific tasks by strategic and middle management and establishing criteria for completion and resource allocation best describes ?
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