Soil Science Quiz 3
1 / 50
According to the Soil survey of Pakistan, the total waterlogged summer-rain area in the country is:_________?
2 / 50
TSP contains________?
3 / 50
International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO) is located:
4 / 50
Humic acid is soluble in__________?
5 / 50
When two or more functional groups of single ligand are coordinated to metal cation the complex is termed as___________________?
6 / 50
_______________ of alluvium (stratified sediment) by earth-worms is the most important soil-forming process in the alluvial plain of Pakistan:
7 / 50
1 bar is equal to_________?
8 / 50
______________ consist of particles that are produced by disintegration of pre-existing rocks through the process of weathering:
9 / 50
The formula used for calculating RSC is _________?
10 / 50
Gravimetric water is present in__________________?
11 / 50
The soils most prone to structural crusts are those which are higher in_________?
12 / 50
Sustainable technologies to improve soil fertility and physical condition:
13 / 50
Journal ?Plant and Soil? is published from__________?
14 / 50
C:N ratio of microorganism:
15 / 50
Most out standing green manure crop is__________?
16 / 50
?Soil? word derive from which language?
17 / 50
Attraction between similar particles is called________?
18 / 50
Tunnel erosion is the form of:__________?
19 / 50
Plutonic rocks are also called________?
20 / 50
Micas have isomorphous substitution:____________?
21 / 50
The nutrient element silicon (Si) is:_________?
22 / 50
Phosphorus (P) is the second major nutrient essential for plant growth. With the exception of Nitrogen (N) and Potassium (K), Phosphorus is required by plants in_________?
23 / 50
The removal of excess water from the ground surface is called:________?
24 / 50
In Pakistan, approximately __________ mha of irrigated land is affected by salinization:
25 / 50
The chemical formula of Hematite is_________?
26 / 50
Total salt affected soils of Pakistan are________?
27 / 50
International atomic weight of potassium is_________________?
28 / 50
Examples of macrobiota are__________?
29 / 50
Depending on the percentage of sand, silt, clay, soils are divided into _______ textural classes:
30 / 50
The earth core is made of the following metals __________?
31 / 50
Soil Organic Matter (SOM) serves not only as a reservoir of all the required plant nutrients, but it:
32 / 50
Which of the following soil has the highest water holding capacity_________?
33 / 50
Electrical conductivity of saturated paste is written as________?
34 / 50
Rhyolite in nature is__________?
35 / 50
Most abundant organic compound in nature?
36 / 50
The soil quality is always deteriorated by:_________?
37 / 50
Weathering of gabbros gives_________?
38 / 50
Rocks having coarse bubble holes are called___________?
39 / 50
Thick concordant bodies which force the overlying sediments to form dome-shaped hills are called_________?
40 / 50
The indicator used for the the estimation of the organic matter or organic carbon is;_________?
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The process of transformation of raw organic matter into humus:
42 / 50
The immobilization and accumulation of the eluviated constituents at some depth beneath the soil surface:________?
43 / 50
Biochemical reduction of nitrate to nitrite or gaseous nitrogen is called ____________?
44 / 50
Soil additive which stabilizes the soil, improves resistance to erosion, increases to permeability to air & water, improves texture, eases cultivation or otherwise improves soil quality:
45 / 50
Which chemical used to prevent evaporation from surface of water in water bodies?
46 / 50
_________refers to the increase in density of a soil as a result of applied load or pressure?
47 / 50
Specific heat is higher in:
48 / 50
Biological Weathering involves:
49 / 50
Accumulation of soluble salts root zone is known as________?
50 / 50
The lands which are rich in soluble salts and exchangeable sodium:
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