Soil Science Quiz 6
1 / 50
The water loss through transpiration from vegetative and evaporation from soil surface is known as__________________?
2 / 50
Color off basic matic rock is_________?
3 / 50
Soil structure without aggregation is known as________?
4 / 50
Felsic rocks consists of___________________?
5 / 50
Organic (O) horizon is absent in_________?
6 / 50
Which mulch reduce soil temperature?
7 / 50
Which one of the following clay mineral has the highest CEC?
8 / 50
Geochemical weathering processes occurs__________?
9 / 50
Most abundant mineral in the earth crust is__________?
10 / 50
The largest soil order in Pakistan?
11 / 50
Some times, AB/EB/BA/BE horizons in soil profile are present which are called__________?
12 / 50
An ion or molecule in the coordination sphere central ion is called__________________?
13 / 50
The relative abundance of three types of rocks ( igneous-metamorphic- sedimentary) in the earth?s crust is_________?
14 / 50
Which of the following crops is most tolerant to salty soils?
15 / 50
Following are types if erosion:
16 / 50
Which nutrients are immobile in plants?
17 / 50
An intrazonal group of dark calcareous soils high in clay and having mainly montmorillonitic type clay are called as:________?
18 / 50
Rocks formed from molten magma are called__________________?
19 / 50
The exact chemical formula of DAP fertilizer is___________________?
20 / 50
Inorganic constituents vary in size from fine clay particles _________ mm to large _________ mm gravel and rock:
21 / 50
Gravimetric water is present in__________?
22 / 50
Aridisols cover the largest in Pakistan_______?
23 / 50
According to WAPDA, the ECe of the salt free soil should remain__________________?
24 / 50
Percentage of N in Ammonium ritract fertilizer is___________________?
25 / 50
Gold is___________________?
26 / 50
Soil water can be determined by_________?
27 / 50
Acid soil contain pH________?
28 / 50
A soil is categorized as saline when EC of saturation extract is__________?
29 / 50
Source of negative charges on silicate clays is/ are________?
30 / 50
The symbol of Na stands for___________________?
31 / 50
Urea in manufactured form gases____________?
32 / 50
The available from of nitrogen for plant is________________?
33 / 50
Volcanic soils:
34 / 50
The soils in which the weathered material is taken away to other place by several agents are called__________?
35 / 50
Main product of photosynthesis is_________?
36 / 50
If a manure pile is exposed to the rain, what nutrient will be lost the most ?
37 / 50
The kind, rate and intensity and pedogenic processes are controlled by ________ ,soil-forming factors?
38 / 50
The particlesw density of a mineral soil is about________?
39 / 50
Systematic examination of soil in the field and laboratories, their description and grouping according to classification system:
40 / 50
The wearing away of the land surface by wind, water, ice or other geological agents is called________?
41 / 50
Schist is example of________?
42 / 50
Algal photosynthesis increases pH of water and releases___________________?
43 / 50
A group of soils with same parent material but located at different positions of slope?
44 / 50
Organic Soils are classified as ____________ and are also known as ____________ soils:
45 / 50
Being a soil scientist, do you know which is the popular book of soil science of Nyle.C.brady, 14th edition available in markets:
46 / 50
pH in coniferous forest is__________________?
47 / 50
One ha cm of water is equal to__________?
48 / 50
following are types of weathering:
49 / 50
The complex fertilizer Nitrophos available in the market contains_________?
50 / 50
The credit for identifying the essentality of nitrogen to plants goes to________?
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