Soil Science Quiz 7
1 / 50
Any material such as straw, sawdust, leaves, plastic films, & loose soil that is spread upon the surface of the soil to protect the soil & plant roots from the effects of raindrops, soil crusting, freezing or evaporation:
2 / 50
Which element can be fixed by smecitite___________________?
3 / 50
The aggregation of individual particles is called___________________?
4 / 50
Sewage water consists of water and solids in the following percentage___________________?
5 / 50
Walkley and blacks method of organic matter determination allows recovery of ______ ? organic carbon content:
6 / 50
The toxicity level of Zn (mg/kg) in plants suggested by some workers is___________________?
7 / 50
Which rock contain potash feldspar ?
8 / 50
pH of Pakistani soils is________?
9 / 50
Soil particles as individuals such as sand and do not form aggregates. These are usually found in parent material or C horizon is:_________?
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Who characterized soil formation as set of ?4? process__________?
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Igneous rocks are called:__________?
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Ground water refers to the________?
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?A? horizon of the soil is also designated:
14 / 50
DAP fertilizer available in Pakistan contains______________?
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Addition of sodium hexametaphosphate in soil for determination of soil texture causes__________________?
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Humic acid is soluble in________?
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The percentage of calcium content in single superphosphate?
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Pedogenic processes bring about changes in the parent materials in the form of _________, within the soil body (soil profile)?
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AAS stands for:___________?
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Soil-forming minerals occurring in rocks do not contain any water, they undergo ______________ when exposed to humid conditions & break down as in chemical weathering process:
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Weathering process-physical, chemical, and biological _______________, the rocks and minerals into simpler products which either accumulate in place or are transported to other places where they become soil parent materials?
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The soil samples are dried at _______________, for gravimetric soil analysis?
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In Balochistan, deserts also exists in _________, which supoorts wind erosion excluding rocky mountains:
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Problem of erosion in Thal and Cholistan is due to________?
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Nutritive elements needed in large quantities to ensure normal plant development:
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The available form of calcium to plant is________________?
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Nitrogen fixation is accomplished by:_________?
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Fossils are found in__________type of rocks:
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Who gave the equation for study of soil property ?
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[(NH4)2SO4FeSO66H2O] is the formula of ___________?
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All the SSP and some nitrophos are are manufactured locally by the National Fertilizer Corporation (NFC): SSP at_________?
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Color of fertile soil is_________?
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The diagnostic techniques used in evaluating soil nutrient status and determining fertilizer requirements of the crop include:
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Soil particles having diameter greater than 2 mm are called___________________?
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The unique soil environment under the influence of plants roots is called rhizosphere and this term was given by__________?
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Deficiency of B can be corrected through application of chemical fertilizer of_________________?
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_________is probably the most important growth limiting factor in acid soils especially those having pH below 5.0-5.5?
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swelling clay soils, develop cracks due to greater proportion of swelling type clays:
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Organic P content in soil, by ignition method is estimated by igniting the soil at ________?
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Which type of soil is found near the canal banks:
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Humus generally refers to the decomposed organic residues which have undergone a series of degradation and synthesis cycles. The humic substances consist of a series of highly acidic, yellow to black coloured, high molecular weight compounds __________________, which can be separated using different extraction procedures:
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A soil with an ESP greater than 15 is usually classified as___________________?
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Cyclic salts are mostly of __________?
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In flood rice, snail feed on bacteria called__________________?
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Organic matter decomposes rapidly in Pakistani soils because of ____________ conditions, that is why our soils generally have < 1% organic matter:
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The conductivity of a saturation extract is greater 4 dsm-1 an exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of less than 15 and the pH is usually less than 8.5 is called as__________________?
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In Pakistan, the major phosphatic fertilizers are:
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Ca, Mg, S are called__________?
50 / 50
Father of soil conservation and Father of Pedology respectively?
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