Soil Science Quiz 9


Soil Science Quiz 9

1 / 50

From the point of view of crop production, Soil testing refers to______________?

2 / 50

Principles of soil conservation does not include:

3 / 50

Part of soil which is in contact with root surface is called___________________?

4 / 50

Most common rocks, after exposed to weathering which cover about ______% 0f the earth:

5 / 50

Boron concentration is irrigation water is considered safe only upto_________________?

6 / 50

The virus infecting bacteria is called:_________?

7 / 50

Conservation agriculture improves the water use efficiency of dryland systems. It has components:

8 / 50

World biodiversity day is celebrated on:_________?

9 / 50

How many different minerals deposits are found in Pakistan ?

10 / 50

Browning disease of rice is a_________?

11 / 50

Which of the following techniques is/are used for the soil fertility evaluation?

12 / 50

Tuff is__________________?

13 / 50

Na and k can be determined by the use of________?

14 / 50

The lower limit of available water is called ________?

15 / 50

According to a latest research, Pakistan is predominantly a dryland country; 80% of its land area is arid and semi arid, 12% sub-humid and 8% under humid climate. Thus , soils of arid & semi-arid regions are vulnerable to a wide range of degradation process. As the case in arid and semi-arid climates elsewhere in south-central/southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa; _________________ are among the major causes of soil degradation and desertification?

16 / 50

New soils, no or little profile development:

17 / 50

The unit of a scale used to measure the level of acidity or alkalinity of chemicals is called:

18 / 50

Radiation can be detected by the blankening of photographic film or by using___________________?

19 / 50

The major soil fertility problems in Pakistani soils deficiencies of N, P and Zn. Deficiencies K, Fe, and B also occur in specific crop genotypes or soil types, while deficiencies of S, Cu, and Mn are negligible. however, the common nutrient deficiencies are_________________: and some micronutrients including Mo?

20 / 50

Which of the following is not the soil order prevail in Pakistan?

21 / 50

The albedo of the earth is:__________?

22 / 50

The indicator used for estimation of the soil available boron is_______?

23 / 50

Which mineral contain phosphorus__________________?

24 / 50

Microorganisms have C/N ratio of________?

25 / 50

The zorawar is brand name of ___________________?

26 / 50

What are diatoms?

27 / 50

Which soil bolds more water ?

28 / 50

pF unit is used for the measurement of_________?

29 / 50

Who will decompose organic matter first:

30 / 50

The evolution of new species is known as_____________?

31 / 50

Organic soil are called________?

32 / 50

Secondary air pollution is _________?

33 / 50

The soil of Sindh (Pakistan) have pH__________?

34 / 50

Percentage of N in Ammonium sulphate fertilizer is___________________?

35 / 50

Basalt is a __________ rock:

36 / 50

Walkley and Blacks method of organic matter determination allows recovery of _____% organic carbon content:

37 / 50

The soil air contains a number of gases ______________ & water vapours:

38 / 50

Wind transported materials if it is silt dominated is__________?

39 / 50

A and B horizon is called as_________?

40 / 50

Identify the fertilizer (s) containing potassium________?

41 / 50

Father of agricultural chemistry is___________________?

42 / 50

Organic matter influences:_________?

43 / 50

Which silica mineral is present in soil in abundant quantity________?

44 / 50

Rhizosphere is:

45 / 50

Solution containing molecular weight of a substance in gram per liter of a solution is known as__________?

46 / 50

The salinity can be reduced by the application of___________________?

47 / 50

An expression of the intensity of the basic or a acidic condition of a liquid or of soil is called_________?

48 / 50

The chemical formula of urea fertilizer is___________?

49 / 50

BGA was discovered as a nitrogen fixer in paddy field by ?

50 / 50

The practice of managing rows of closely planted woody plants with annual crops planted in alleys in between hedges is called as:________?

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