Statistics Quiz 5


Statistics Quiz 5

1 / 50

If the third moment about mean is zero then distribution is_______________?

2 / 50

Let Z1,Z2,?.Zn be independent and identically distributedrandom variable, satisfying E[? Zt ?]

3 / 50

An Index number which measure the change of a _____ is called Aggregative 1. No?

4 / 50

The probability that the sum is odd if two dice are thrown:_________________?

5 / 50

Primary data and _____________ data are same?

6 / 50

For a probability density function (pdf), the probability of a single point is_____________?

7 / 50

Quartiles, deciles are located from an ogive in a way________________?

8 / 50

1 ? ? is the probability of_____________?

9 / 50

If 10% is added to each value of variable, the geometric mean of new variable is added by_______________?

10 / 50

Cumulative frequencies are_________________?

11 / 50

The middle value of an ordered array of numbers is the____________?

12 / 50

When the two regression lines coincide there r is __________________?

13 / 50

Index Number is an important role in the field of Economic and ________________?

14 / 50

The probability of drawing a picture card out of 52 cards is : ______________?

15 / 50

The first hand and unorganized form of data is called_______________?

16 / 50

If X ? N(16,49), the mean is___________?

17 / 50

Class mark is the value which divides a class into ________ equal parts?

18 / 50

Statistics has handicap dealing with_____________?

19 / 50

The standard deviation of sampling distribution of a statistics is _________________?

20 / 50

In the binomial experiment, the outcomes of each trial maybe classified into ______________?

21 / 50

The frequent value of the data if it exists is called ________________?

22 / 50

Binomial probability distribution is denoted by b(x ; n, p), is defined as _______________?

23 / 50

Life of a T.V picture tube is a:___________?

24 / 50

In a week the prices of a bag of rice were 350 ,280, 340, 290, 320, 310, 300. The range is_____________?

25 / 50

Third quartile = Q3 = ____________?

26 / 50

Link relative = ________________?

27 / 50

The hypothesis which is being tested is called ___________________?

28 / 50

If ?2=m4m22<3, the distribution is called______________?

29 / 50

For Mesokurtic curve of the distribution, ?2 is__________________?

30 / 50

Lowest value of variance can be____________?

31 / 50

To purchase the fruit, we use the _________ sampling?

32 / 50

Sampling error can reduced by __________________?

33 / 50

If the events have same chance of occurrence they are called:_______________?

34 / 50

Technical & Trade Journals are the source of ___________ data?

35 / 50

Data classified by many _______ said to be Quantitative?

36 / 50

When we add the lower and upper class limits and dividing the sum by, the values so obtained are called class____________?

37 / 50

In descriptive statistics, we study______________?

38 / 50

A listing of the possible outcomes of an experiment and their corresponding probability is called:______________?

39 / 50

Which of the following is not the property of binomial distribution ?

40 / 50

The hypergeometric probability distribution is used rather than the binomial or Poisson when the sampling is performed ?

41 / 50

The measure of dispersion is changed by a change of_____________?

42 / 50

making a entrance slip in service hospital is the method of collection of data by______________?

43 / 50

The Laspeyres price index_____________?

44 / 50

Arithmetic mean is _________ by change of origin and scale of measurement?

45 / 50

Which of the following can never be taken as coefficient of correlation is _____________?

46 / 50

_____________is the measure of average which can have more than one value?

47 / 50

A model is linear if it is linear in the dependent variable and also in ______________?

48 / 50

Measure the change in quantity of goods are called ________________?

49 / 50

If any of the value in data set is negative then it is impossible to compute:_____________?

50 / 50

Standard deviation is calculated from the Harmonic Mean (HM) ________________?

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