Stoichiometry Quiz 4
1 / 50
Pick out the correct conversion?
2 / 50
One mole of methane undergoes complete combustion in a stoichiometric amount of air. The reaction proceeds as CH4 + 2O2 ? CO2 + 2H2O. Both the reactants and products are in gas phase. ?H?298 = ? 730 kJ/mole of methane. Mole fraction of water vapour in the product gases is about_______?
3 / 50
pH value of a solution containing 1 gm of hydrogen ion per litre will be ______?
4 / 50
Na2SO4. 10H2O crystals are formed by cooling 100 Kg of 30% by weight aqueous solution of Na2SO4. The final concentration of the solute in the solution is 10%. The weight of crystals is_________?
5 / 50
Molality is defined as the number of gm moles of solute per ______ of solvent?
6 / 50
Magnesite refractories are used for the construction of those furnaces, which are________?
7 / 50
pH value of a solution containing equal concentration of hydroxyl and hydrogen ions will be__________?
8 / 50
Kopp?s rule is helpful in finding the___________?
9 / 50
No cooling occurs, when an ideal gas undergoes unrestrained expansion, because the molecules______?
10 / 50
Increasing the temperature of an aqueous solution will cause decrease in its_________?
11 / 50
Kinematic viscosity of 1 m2 /second is equivalent to ______ stokes?
12 / 50
In the reaction, represented by Na2CO3 + HC1 ? NaHO3 + NaCl, the equivalent weight of Na2CO3 is_________?
13 / 50
Measurement of the amount of dry gas collected over water from volume of moist gas is based on the_____?
14 / 50
Pick out the correct statement ?
15 / 50
Methane is mixed with stoichiometric proportion of oxygen and completely combusted. The number of additional specifications required to determine the product flow rate and composition is________?
16 / 50
In physical adsorption, as compared to chemisorption, the__________?
17 / 50
Number of gram equivalent of solute dissolved in one litre of solution is called its_____?
18 / 50
One Newton is equal to _______ dynes?
19 / 50
Permeability of bricks is a measure of the_____?
20 / 50
One ?Therm? is equivalent to_____?
21 / 50
Kopp?s rule is concerned with the calculation of___________?
22 / 50
Panel test determines the _______ of refractories?
23 / 50
24 / 50
Internal energy is independent of the _____ for an ideal gas?
25 / 50
One micron is equal to ______ cm?
26 / 50
Normality of a solution does not change with the increase in the ___________?
27 / 50
Isotopes are atoms having the same _______?
28 / 50
Othmer chart is useful in estimating the heat of________?
29 / 50
On mixing 56 gm of CaO with 63 gm of HNO3, the amount of Ca(NO3)2 formed is _______ gm?
30 / 50
One kg of saturated steam at 100?C and 1.01325 bar is contained in a rigid walled vessel. It lias a volume of 1.673 m3. It cools to 98?C; the saturation pressure is 0.943 bar ; one kg of water vapour under these conditions has a volume of 1.789 m3. The latent heat of condensation (kJ/kg-1 ) under these conditions is_____?
31 / 50
Magnesite refractories are generally not used in the___________?
32 / 50
pH value of H2SO4 (5% concentration) is___________?
33 / 50
Kinetic theory of gases stipulates that, the______?
34 / 50
Percentage saturation of a vapor bearing gas is always ______ the relative saturation?
35 / 50
Kopp?s rule is useful for the determination of_______?
36 / 50
Osmotic pressure of the solution can be increased by__________?
37 / 50
Maximum alumina content in high alumina refractory can be as high as _____ percent?
38 / 50
N.T.P. corresponds to___________?
39 / 50
Lower wall courses of soaking pits are made of ______ bricks to avoid the action of molten slag & scale?
40 / 50
Outer combustion chamber of blast furnace stove is lined with ________ bricks?
41 / 50
Number of gm moles of solute dissolved in one liter of a solution is called its______?
42 / 50
Isotonic solutions must have the same___________?
43 / 50
Molar heat capacity of water in equilibrium with ice at constant pressure is_______?
44 / 50
Osmotic pressure of a dilute solution of a non volatile solute in a solvent obeying Raoult?s law is proportional to the______?
45 / 50
Osmotic pressure exerted by a solution prepared by dissolving one gram mole of a solute in 22.4 litres of a solvent at 0?C will be ________ atmosphere?
46 / 50
Internal energy of a substance comprises of the ______ energy?
47 / 50
Number of gm moles of solute dissolved in 1 kg of solvent is called its_____?
48 / 50
In panel test for spalling resistance, the average face temperature of panel assembly is maintained at ______ ?C for 24 hours?
49 / 50
One of the specific gravity scales is ?Brix? (used specifically for sugar solution). It is defined as _______?
50 / 50
N2 content in a urea sample was found to be only 42%. What is the actual urea content of the sample? (Molecular weight of urea = 60) ?
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