Stoichiometry Quiz 5
1 / 50
Pure oxygen is mixed with air to produce an enriched air containing 50 volume % of oxygen. The ratio of moles of air to oxygen used is__________?
2 / 50
Refractories subjected to alternate cycles of heating & cooling are liable to loose their resistance to___________?
3 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement?
4 / 50
Raoult?s law is not applicable to the_____?
5 / 50
6 / 50
Pick out the wrong conversion formula for the conversion of weight units ?
7 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement about the recycle stream in a process ?
8 / 50
9 / 50
Recycling in a chemical process facilitates_____?
10 / 50
Quartz is___________?
11 / 50
Pure aniline is evaporating through a stagnant air film of 1 mm thickness at 300 K and a total pressure of 100 KPa. The vapor pressure of aniline at 300 K is 0.1 KPa. The total molar concentration under these conditions is 40.1 mole/m3. The diffusivity of aniline in air is 0.74 ? 10-5m2/s. The numerical value of mass transfer co-efficient is 7.4 ? 10-3. Its units are_________?
12 / 50
Saturated solution of benzene in water is in equilibrium with a mixture of air and vapours of benzene and water at room temperature and pressure. Mole fraction of benzene in liquid is xB and the vapour pressures of benzene and water at these conditions are pv B and pv w respectively. The partial pressure of benzene in air-vapour mixture is__________?
13 / 50
Pick out the wrong unit conversion of mass transfer co-efficient?
14 / 50
Pick out the wrong unit conversion ?
15 / 50
Pick out the wrong statement ?
16 / 50
Pick out the wrong unit conversion of heat transfer rate?
17 / 50
Sodium _______ has inverted solubility curve i.e. its solubility increases with the lowering of temperature?
18 / 50
19 / 50
Pick out the wrong unit conversion of temperature?
20 / 50
21 / 50
Refractoriness/fusion points of ?Superduty? refractories is ______ ?C?
22 / 50
Refractory bricks having lower porosity have _______?
23 / 50
Solutions having the same osmotic pressure are called ______ solutions?
24 / 50
25 / 50
Raoult?s law states that ?the equilibrium vapor pressure that is exerted by a component in a solution is proportional to the mole fraction of that component?. This generalisation is based on the assumption that the_________?
26 / 50
27 / 50
28 / 50
29 / 50
Pick out the wrong unit conversion of heat transfer co-efficient?
30 / 50
31 / 50
Saturated molal absolute humidity of the vapor-gas mixture depends upon the________?
32 / 50
33 / 50
Pick out the wrong unit conversion of calorific value?
34 / 50
Raoult?s law is obeyed by a ______ solution?
35 / 50
36 / 50
Pick out the wrong unit conversion of thermal conductivity ?
37 / 50
Refluxing of part of the distillate in a fractionating column is a ?recycling operation?, aimed primarily at________?
38 / 50
Refractory bricks with lower permeability is produced by using __________?
39 / 50
S.T.P. corresponds to __________?
40 / 50
Refractories used in/for _______ should have low thermal conductivity?
41 / 50
Silica bricks are never used for lining the__________?
42 / 50
Solutions which distil without change in composition are called_________?
43 / 50
Presence of MgO in alumino-silicate refractories _______ its refractoriness ?
44 / 50
Size range of the colloids particles is ___________?
45 / 50
Roof of a basic electric furnace is made of _______ bricks?
46 / 50
47 / 50
48 / 50
Pure oxide refractories are generally monocrystalline in nature and are self bonded _______ bricks are generally used as moderator in nuclear reactors?
49 / 50
Real gases approach ideal behaviour at_____?
50 / 50
Simultaneous doubling of the absolute temperature of a gas and reduction of its pressure to half will result in ______ in the volume of the gas?
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