Stoichiometry Quiz 7
1 / 69
The total number of atoms in 8.5 gm of NH3 is ________ ? 1023?
2 / 69
With rise in temperature, the heat capacity of a substance_____?
3 / 69
The vapor pressure of a substance, at its melting point, is ______ in the solid state as compared to that in the liquid state?
4 / 69
The vapour pressure of a solution (made by dissolving a solute in a solvent) is _____ that of the pure solvent?
5 / 69
Which of the following is the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation ?
6 / 69
Viscosity of atmospheric air may be about ______ centipoise?
7 / 69
Which of the following is followed by an ideal solution ?
8 / 69
Which of the following expressions defines the Baume gravity scale for liquids heavier than water ?
9 / 69
With increase in temperature, the surface tension of water _______?
10 / 69
What is the simplest formula of a compound containing 50% of element A (atomic weight = 10) and 50% of element B (atomic weight = 20) ?
11 / 69
The value of gas constant ?R? is _______ kcal/kg.mole.?C?
12 / 69
The value of Trouton?s ratio (?b/Tb) for a number of substances is 21 (where, ?b = molal that of vaporisation of a substance at its normal boiling point, KCal/kg. mole and Tb = normal boiling point, ?K). The Kistyakowsky equation is used for calculation of Trouton?s ratio of ______ liquids?
13 / 69
With increase in the solute concentration, the specific heat of aqueous solutions _______?
14 / 69
Which of the following ratios defines the recycle ratio in a chemical process ?
15 / 69
With rise in temperature, the solubility of ammonia in water at a fixed pressure___________?
16 / 69
Total energy at a point comprises of ______ energy?
17 / 69
Under conditions of equal reduced pressure and equal reduced temperature, substances are said to be in the ?corresponding states?. At equal reduced conditions i.e., at the corresponding state, the _____ of different gases are nearly the same?
18 / 69
Which is not an acidic refractory ?
19 / 69
The vapor pressure of the solvent decreased by 10 mm Hg, when a non-volatile solute was added to the solvent. The mole fraction of the solute in the solution is 0.2. What should be the mole fraction of the solvent, if the decrease in vapor pressure of the solvent is required to be 20 mm Hg ?
20 / 69
The reverse process of fractional crystallisation is called___________?
21 / 69
Which is a neutral refractory ?
22 / 69
Which equation is not an equation of state ?
23 / 69
The vapor pressures of benzene and toluene are 3 and 4/3 atmospheres respectively. A liquid feed of 0.4 moles of benzene and 0.6 moles of toluene is vaporised. Assuming that the products are in equilibrium, the vapor phase mole fraction of benzene is__________?
24 / 69
Unit of power is______?
25 / 69
The temperature at which the second Virial co-efficient of a real gas is zero is called the_______?
26 / 69
Vapor pressure of water at 100?C is about ________ bar?
27 / 69
Which of the following gravity scales is used exclusively for liquids heavier than water ?
28 / 69
Validity of the relationship, inputs = outputs, holds good for the system at steady state_________?
29 / 69
The vapour pressure of water is given by, in Psat = A ? (5000/T), where A is a constant, Psat is the vapour pressure in atm. and T is the temperature in K. The vapor pressure of water in atm. at 50?C is approximately___________?
30 / 69
Vapor pressure of a solution is proportional to (where, Sv and St are mole fraction of solvent and solute respectively) ?
31 / 69
With increase in the porosity, thermal spalling resistance of fireclay brick________?
32 / 69
Viscosity of 1 centipoise is equal to 1 Centistoke in case of_________?
33 / 69
Which of the following gases will have the- highest kinetic energy per mole at the same pressure & temperature ?
34 / 69
Volume occupied by one gm mole of a gas at S.T.P. is ______?
35 / 69
Which of the following is an exothermic reaction ?
36 / 69
The vapor pressure of liquids of similar chemical nature at any particular temperature ________ with increase in the molecular weight?
37 / 69
Which of the following expressions defines the Baume gravity scale for liquids lighter than water ?
38 / 69
The temperature at which a real gas obeys Boyle?s law is termed as the___________?
39 / 69
What is the total pressure exerted by a mixture of 0.45 kg mole of benzene, 0.44 kg mole of toluene and 0.23 kg mole of o-xylene at 100?C, if their vapor pressures at 100?C are 1340, 560 and 210 mmHg respectively ?
40 / 69
The vapor pressure of water at 100?C is___________?
41 / 69
Which of the following has the least (almost negligible) effect on the solubility of a solute in a solvent ?
42 / 69
The value of (Cp ? Cv) for a real gas obeying Vander Wall?s equation is______?
43 / 69
Which is an acidic refractory ?
44 / 69
Which of the following terms of Vander Walls equation of state for a non-ideal gas accounts for intermolecular forces ?
45 / 69
Thermal diffusivity of a refractory brick is high, when its _______ is high?
46 / 69
The unit of Cp in S.I. units is_____?
47 / 69
Weight of 56 litres of ammonia at N.T.P. is ______ gm?
48 / 69
Variation of vapor pressure with temperature can be calculated using Clausius-Clapeyron equation, which assumes that the_________?
49 / 69
Which property of refractories is the most important for top section of the blast furnace ?
50 / 69
Which of the following is not a unit of kinematic viscosity ?
51 / 69
The unit of dynamic viscosity is__________?
52 / 69
Water content in ground refractory material to be shaped into bricks by hand moulding is about ______ percent?
53 / 69
With increase in the temperature of pure (distilled) water, its______?
54 / 69
Which of the following ideal gas laws are not applicable to mixture of gases ?
55 / 69
The weight fraction of methanol in an aqueous solution is 0.64. The mole fraction of methanol XM satisfies_________?
56 / 69
The unit of specific heat at constant pressure, Cp, in SI unit is___________?
57 / 69
Which form of silica has the highest specific gravity ?
58 / 69
What fraction of the total pressure is exerted by oxygen, if equal weights of oxygen and methane are mixed in an empty vessel at 25?C ?
59 / 69
The viscosity of water at room temperature may be around one _____?
60 / 69
Thermal conductivity of refractory bricks______?
61 / 69
With increase in the alumina content, the refractoriness of high alumina refractories__________?
62 / 69
Which of the following gases is the most soluble in water ?
63 / 69
Unit of mass velocity is_____?
64 / 69
The vapor pressure of liquids (having similar chemical nature) at any specified temperature _______ with increasing molecular weight?
65 / 69
Which of the following has the smallest least effect on the solubility of a solute into the solvent ?
66 / 69
Two solutions A1 and A2 have pH value of 2 and 6 respectively. It implies that the solution_______?
67 / 69
The value of the gas-law constant ?R? is 1.987 ?
68 / 69
Unrestrained expansion of an ideal gas does not result in its cooling due to the reason that the gas molecules ______?
69 / 69
Which of the following is not a colligative property ?
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