Strings, Streams & Numerics in C++ Quiz 2


Strings, Streams & Numerics in C++ Quiz 2

1 / 42

Which of the following library is used to do vector arithmetic?

2 / 42

How many parameters are available in srand function?

3 / 42

Which function is used in C++ to get the current position of file pointer in a file?

4 / 42

How many parameters are used in frexp function?

5 / 42

What is the default operation of adjacent_difference function in numeric library?

6 / 42

Which of the following is used to create a stream that performs both input and output operations?

7 / 42

Which of the following mathematical function is overloaded in and ?

8 / 42

Which mathematics library is used for vector manipulation in c++?

9 / 42

Which header file is required to use file I/O operations?

10 / 42

How many indicators are available in c++?

11 / 42

Which of the following is not used as a file opening mode?

12 / 42

Which function is used to reposition the file pointer?

13 / 42

How many parameters are available in partial_sum function in c++?

14 / 42

By default, all the files in C++ are opened in _________ mode.

15 / 42

What will the max function in the numeric limit will return for type float?

16 / 42

Which header file is used to create the pseudo random generator?

17 / 42

Which operator is used to produce a certain number in a specific range?

18 / 42

What is the return type open() method?

19 / 42

What is the use of vector arithmetic in c++?

20 / 42

How many macros are used by mathematical functions in the header file ?

21 / 42

Which function is used to optimize the space in vector?

22 / 42

What type of reference should be used in vector arithmetic?

23 / 42

With which does the trigonometric functions work with angles in c++?

24 / 42

Which of the following is used to move the file pointer to start of a file?

25 / 42

Which header file is used for the numeric limits in C++?

26 / 42

Which of the following is the default mode of the opening using the ofstream class?

27 / 42

Which of the following is the default mode of the opening using the fstream class?

28 / 42

Which header file is used to operate on numeric sequences?

29 / 42

What will be the type of output of vector cross product?

30 / 42

Which header file is required for manipulation of math functions in c++?

31 / 42

Which header file is used to manipulate the vector algebra in c++?

32 / 42

Which can be used to create a random number without duplication?

33 / 42

Where does the member should be defined if it is used in the program?

34 / 42

To which type does the numeric limits are suitable?

35 / 42

Which of the following is used to create an output stream?

36 / 42

What is the use of ios::trunc mode?

37 / 42

What is the benefit of c++ input and output over c input and output?

38 / 42

Which of the following is not used to seek file pointer?

39 / 42

Which is a constant defined in header file?

40 / 42

Pick out the incorrect static function member in numeric limits.

41 / 42

1. Which of the following is the default mode of the opening using the ifstream class?

42 / 42

What is the use of accumulate function in a numeric library?

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