Thermodynamics for Chemical Quiz 10


Thermodynamics for Chemical Quiz 10

1 / 64

When pressure is applied on the system, ice ? water, then__________?

2 / 64

Which of the following decreases with increase in pressure ?

3 / 64

With increase in compression ratio, the efficiency of the otto engine_________?

4 / 64

With increase in temperature, the atomic heat capacities of all solid elements__________?

5 / 64

Which of the following is Clausius-Clapeyron Equation for vaporisation of an ideal gas under the condition that the molar volume of liquid is negligible compared to that of the vapor ?

6 / 64

While dissolving a gas into a liquid at a constant temperature, the ratio of the concentration of the gas in the solution phase and in the gaseous phase is ________?

7 / 64

Which of the following is not a reversible process ?

8 / 64

Which of the following is a widely used refrigerant in vapour compression refrigeration system (using large centrifugal compressor) ?

9 / 64

What is the number of degrees of freedom for liquid water in equilibrium with a mixture of nitrogen and water vapor ?

10 / 64

Which of the following is true for Virial equation of state ?

11 / 64

What is the ratio of adiabatic compressibility to isothermal compressibility ?

12 / 64

When a gas in a vessel expands, its internal energy decreases. The process involved is_________?

13 / 64

When liquid and vapour phases of one component system are in equilibrium (at a given temperature and pressure), the molar free energy is___________?

14 / 64

Which of the following units is not present in both the vapor compression refrigeration system and absorption refrigeration system ?

15 / 64

Work done may be calculated by the expression ? p dA for ______ processes ?

16 / 64

Which of the following is an extensive property of a system ?

17 / 64

Work done in case of free expansion is______?

18 / 64

Which of the following is not a common refrigerant ?

19 / 64

Work done may be calculated by the expression ? p dA for ______ processes ?

20 / 64

Which of the following is not affected by temperature changes ?

21 / 64

Which is an example of closed system ?

22 / 64

Which of the following exemplifies an adiabatic process ?

23 / 64

What is the degree of freedom for a system comprising liquid water equilibrium with its vapour ?

24 / 64

Which of the following is not correct for a reversible adiabatic process ?

25 / 64

What is the value of maximum COP in case of absorption refrigeration, if refrigeration provided is at temperature, TR (where, T1 and T2 are source & surrounding temperatures respectively.) ?

26 / 64

Which of the following will increase the volume of a real gas by four times ?

27 / 64

What is the degree of freedom for two miscible (non-reacting) substances in vapor-liquid equilibrium forming an azeotrope ?

28 / 64

Which of the following is not an extensive property ?

29 / 64

Which of the following is a thermodynamic property of a system ?

30 / 64

Which of the following is affected by the temperature ?

31 / 64

Which of the following is not a unit of the equilibrium constant Kp? (where, ?x = number of moles of products number of moles of reactants) ?

32 / 64

Which is not constant for an ideal gas ?

33 / 64

Which is not a refrigerant ?

34 / 64

Which of the following is an undesirable characteristic of a refrigerant ?

35 / 64

Which one is true for a throttling process ?

36 / 64

Which of the following is not an equation of state ?

37 / 64

Which of the following liquid metals has the highest thermal conductivity ?

38 / 64

When liquid and vapour phase of multi-component system are in equilibrium (at a given temperature and pressure), then chemical potential of each component is_____?

39 / 64

Which of the following equations is used for the prediction of activity co-efficient from experiments ?

40 / 64

When a gas is subjected to adiabatic expansion, it gets cooled due to___________?

41 / 64

With increase in pressure (above atmospheric pressure), the Cp of a gas_______?

42 / 64

What is the value of ln y (where y = activity co-efficient) for ideal gases ?

43 / 64

Which of the following is Virial equation of state ?

44 / 64

When a system is in equilibrium for all possible processes, the differential or finite change of entropy is___________?

45 / 64

Which of the following processes cannot be made reversible even under ideal condition of operation ?

46 / 64

Work done is a______?

47 / 64

Which law of the thermodynamics provides basis for measuring the thermodynamic property ?

48 / 64

Which of the following has the least thermal efficiency ?

49 / 64

Which of the following non-flow reversible compression processes require maximum work ?

50 / 64

With increase in temperature, the internal energy of a substance_____?

51 / 64

Which of the following has the minimum value of COP for a given refrigeration effect ?

52 / 64

Which of the following represents the Virial equation of state ?

53 / 64

With increase in reduced temperature, the fugacity co-efficient of a gas at constant reduced pressure_____?

54 / 64

Which of the following units is not present in both the vapor compression refrigeration system and absorption refrigeration system ?

55 / 64

Which of the following is not an intensive property ?

56 / 64

What is the number of degree of freedom for a system of two miscible non-reacting species in vapor-liquid equilibrium forming an azeotrope ?

57 / 64

Which is a state function ?

58 / 64

Which of the following equations is obtained on combining 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics, for a system of constant mass ?

59 / 64

Work done in an adiabatic process between two states depends on the___________?

60 / 64

When dilute aqueous solutions of two salts are mixed, the process is associated with _____?

61 / 64

Which of the following identities can be most easily used to verify steam table data for superheated steam ?

62 / 64

Which of the following is an undesirable characteristic of a refrigerant ?

63 / 64

What is the value of Joule-Thomson co-efficient for an ideal gas ?

64 / 64

Which of the following behaves most closely like an ideal gas ?

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