Thermodynamics for Chemical Quiz 8
1 / 50
The compressibility factor of a gas is given by (where, V1 = actual volume of the gas V2 = gas volume predicted by ideal gas law)______?
2 / 50
The Maxwell relation derived from the differential expression for the Helmholtz free energy (dA) is_________?
3 / 50
The freezing point of a liquid decreases when the pressure is increased, if the liquid _____ while freezing?
4 / 50
The main feature of Carnot refrigeration cycle is that, it__________?
5 / 50
The gas law (PV = RT) is true for an _______ change?
6 / 50
The internal energy of an incompressible fluid depends upon its__________?
7 / 50
The expression for the work done for a reversible polytropic process can be used to obtain the expression for work done for all processes, except reversible ______ process?
8 / 50
The chemical potential of any constituent of an ideal solution depends on the _______ of the solution?
9 / 50
The internal energy of a gas obeying P (V ? b) RT (where, b is a positive constant and has a constant Cv), depends upon its_________?
10 / 50
The free energy change for a chemical reaction is given by (where, K = equilibrium constant)_________?
11 / 50
The expression for entropy change given by, ?S = nR ln (V2/V1) + nCv ln (T2/T1) is valid for ________?
12 / 50
The first law of thermodynamics is a restatement of the law of conservation of__________?
13 / 50
The extensive properties are______?
14 / 50
The change in Gibbs free energy for vaporisation of a pure substance is_____?
15 / 50
The internal energy of an ideal gas does not change in a reversible ______ process?
16 / 50
The most important application of distribution law is in_______?
17 / 50
The following heat engine produces power of 100,000 kW. The heat engine operates between 800 K and 300 K. It has a thermal efficiency equal to 50% of that of the Carnot engine for the same temperature. The rate at which heat is absorbed from the hot reservoir is______?
18 / 50
The minimum number of phases that can exist in a system is_________?
19 / 50
The necessary and sufficient condition for equilibrium between two phases is__________?
20 / 50
The expression, nCv(T2 ? T1), is for the ______ of an ideal gas?
21 / 50
The equation relating E, P, V and T which is true for all substances under all conditions is given by (?E/?V)T = T(?P/?T)H ? P. This equation is called the _____?
22 / 50
The first law of thermodynamics is a statement of conservation of_______?
23 / 50
The equation, PV = nRT, is best obeyed by gases at______?
24 / 50
The kinetic energy of gas molecule is zero at_______?
25 / 50
The change in __________ is equal to the reversible work for compression in steady state flow process under isothermal condition?
26 / 50
The Carnot co-efficient of performance (COP) of a domestic air conditioner compared to a household refrigerator is___________?
27 / 50
The enthalpy change when ammonia gas is dissolved in water is called the heat of_____?
28 / 50
The expression, ?G = nRT. ln(P2/P1), gives the free energy change_______?
29 / 50
The equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction at two different temperatures is given by___________?
30 / 50
The expression, nRT ln(P1/P2), is for the ______of an ideal gas?
31 / 50
The chemical potential of a component (?i) of a phase is the amount by which its capacity for doing all work, barring work of expansion is increased per unit amount of substance added for an infinitesimal addition at constant temperature and pressure. It is given by__________?
32 / 50
The molar excess Gibbs free energy, gE, for a binary liquid mixture at T and P is given by, (gE/RT) = A . x1. x2, where A is a constant. The corresponding equation for ln y1, where y1 is the activity co-efficient of component 1, is___________?
33 / 50
The efficiency of an Otto engine compared to that of a diesel engine, for the same compression ratio will be ________?
34 / 50
The Joule-Thomson co-efficient is defined as (?T/?P)H. Its value at the inversion point is___________?
35 / 50
The melting point of paraffin wax (which contracts on solidification) ________ with pressure rise?
36 / 50
The co-efficient of performance (COP) of a refrigerating system, which is its index of performance, is defined as the ratio of useful refrigeration to the net work. The units of ______ and COP are the same?
37 / 50
The equation, (d loge PA/d loge xA) = (d loge PA/d loge xB) applicable to a binary solution of components. A and B in equilibrium with their vapors at constant temperature and pressure is called the ______ equation?
38 / 50
The energy of activation of exothermic reaction is__________?
39 / 50
The four properties of a system viz. P, V, T, S are related by _______ equation?
40 / 50
The expression for entropy change given by, ?S = ? nR ln (P2/P1), holds good for_____?
41 / 50
The equation, Cp ? Cv = R, is true for ________ gas?
42 / 50
The expression for entropy change, ?S = n Cp . ln (T2/T1), is valid for the _______ of a substance?
43 / 50
The internal energy of an ideal gas is a function of its ______ only?
44 / 50
The entropy change in a reversible isothermal process, when an ideal gas expands to four times its initial volume is__________?
45 / 50
The intensive properties are______?
46 / 50
The difference between isothermal compressibility and adiabatic compressibility for an ideal gas is______?
47 / 50
The equation Tds = dE ? PdV applies to_____?
48 / 50
The equation DU = Tds ? PdV is applicable to infinitesimal changes occuring in__________?
49 / 50
The chemical potential for a pure substance is _____ its partial molal free energy?
50 / 50
The heat capacities for the ideal gas state depend upon the__________?
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