Water Management Quiz 2
1 / 50
Specific weight of a liquid is defined as the weight per unit volume at standard Temperature & pressure therefore specific weight of water of water is equal to ____________ kg/m3 in MKS system ?
2 / 50
The loss of head H/ L is proportional to the length of creep. There fore the loss of head per unit creep length is called ____________?
3 / 50
A channel is said lo be of most economical cross section, for a given cross-sectional area and bed slope when it ________?
4 / 50
A module or outlet in which discharge depends upon the difference of head between distributary and the water course is called _________?
5 / 50
Art of growing crops, management of live stocks, husbandry and farming is called________________?
6 / 50
A graph which shows the volume of a reservoir or tank at any given water level is called __________?
7 / 50
The mercury in a glass tube assumes convex shape at the top because of_______________?
8 / 50
Mostly the hydraulic structures founded on ____________ soils fails because of undermining and uplift pressure?
9 / 50
The ratio of change of discharge of an outlet to the rate of change in level of water surface in distributary at its normal depth is called __________?
10 / 50
Volume of water that unit volume of aquifer will give up by gravity pull is called __________?
11 / 50
Cultivation made on small plane steps because of more steepness of the area is called ________?
12 / 50
A structure made near weirs and barrages to facilitate the migration of fish up stream or down stream is called ________?
13 / 50
The percentage of the volume of water filled in voids to the total volume of solids of soil grains is called________?
14 / 50
A water flow available in the drains without irrigation season i.e.flow of sanitary sewage is called__________?
15 / 50
In ogee spillway the discharge is directly proportional to _____________?
16 / 50
The total dissolved solids in drinking water should not exceed_______?
17 / 50
Direct runoff is the sum of ________?
18 / 50
The formula used to calculate maximum flood discharge for a hilly () is_______________?
19 / 50
To avoid scouring from end of structure, it is necessary to provide a ________________ at the exit point?
20 / 50
Onion is a ___________ rooted crop?
21 / 50
If in a river the flood rises and falls suddenly due to storm rain, then such river is called ________?
22 / 50
Ground water moving down wards in the un-saturated ground above the water table is called_________?
23 / 50
A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant is called_________?
24 / 50
An earth embankment built on one or both sides of a river, some distance away from its banks to control flood is called _______________?
25 / 50
A module or outlet in which discharge is fixed and limited, irrespective fluctuations in water levels in distributary is called _______?
26 / 50
Piezometer tube is open to both ends mostly used to measure __________?
27 / 50
The minimum moisture content at which a water drop if placed on a smooth surface of soil will not be absorbed immediately by the soil is called ________?
28 / 50
A particular flood which can occur in the basin in the worst meteorological and hydrological conditions is called _________?
29 / 50
The last length of the river before it falls into the sea is known as ________?
30 / 50
A dam which the up lift pressure of the sub-soil water by its own weight is called _______?
31 / 50
The disposal of sewage by allowing it to flow and Soak into specially leveled farm land for cultivation purpose is called ___________?
32 / 50
A river which does not change its alignment ? slope and its regime significantly is called________________?
33 / 50
The structures, which are constructed on the river bed upstream of head regulator. With this clear water enters in canal such structures are called____________?
34 / 50
The unit of volume of water used in irrigation practice in FPS system is Acre-Foot. there fore one Acre- Foot is equal to _________?
35 / 50
A flow in which velocity of water particles is same at all sections is called __________?
36 / 50
Mean velocity of flow in a river can be directly measured by means of ____________?
37 / 50
Water logging caused by ____________ water, which during excessive irrigation percolates down and join under ground water table?
38 / 50
Which of the following has highest-coefficient of discharge___________?
39 / 50
Water logging is the state of the soil where the water table brought ______________capacity or root zone of plants?
40 / 50
Water storage efficiency in the root zone depends upon________?
41 / 50
the ratio between the rate of change of discharge of the out let to the rate of change of discharge of the distributary is called ____________?
42 / 50
To keep the Hydraulic structure safe against undermining the ________________ should be safe?
43 / 50
when ever a sloping face of river bank is protected by stone pitching against scour, the pitching is extended beyond the toe to the river side that is called________?
44 / 50
A curve showing the maximum flow in the river and mean time reduces flow. we be called_________?
45 / 50
The _________ analysis of earth dam foundation against shear must be carried out when the foundation is kept on fine loose cohesion less material?
46 / 50
The free distance on the paddy surface which a wind can travel to any point to rise waves is called_______?
47 / 50
An impermeable Formation which neither contains water nor transmits water may be called___________?
48 / 50
Specific gravity of a liquid is defined as the ratio of its specific weight to that of pure water and standard temperature and pressure. Therefore specific gravity is equal to _________?
49 / 50
in most economical Trapezoidal section, half of the Top width is equal to _______?
50 / 50
The quantity of water lost by transpiration from the plants or crops and evaporation from fields adjacent to these plants is called _________?
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