World Cities Longitudes Quiz 1


World Cities Longitudes Quiz 1

1 / 25

Athens is near the longitude:

2 / 25

Dakar is ner the longitude:

3 / 25

Amsterdam is near the longitude:

4 / 25

Belgrade is near the longitude:

5 / 25

Johannesburg is near the longitude:

6 / 25

Frankfurt is near the longitude:

7 / 25

Approximate longitude extent of Algeria is:

8 / 25

Brussels is near the longitude:

9 / 25

Jakarta is ner the longitude:

10 / 25

Beijing is near the longitude:

11 / 25

Havana is near the longitude:

12 / 25

Helsinki is near the longitude:

13 / 25

Kinshasa is near the longitude:

14 / 25

Cape Town is near the longitude:

15 / 25

Guatemala city is near the longitude:

16 / 25

Ankara is near the longitude:

17 / 25

Bangkok is near the longitude:

18 / 25

La Paz is near the longitude:

19 / 25

Hamburg is near the longitude:

20 / 25

Djibouti is near the longitude:

21 / 25

Budapest is near the longitude:

22 / 25

Berlin is near the longitude:

23 / 25

Copenhagen is near the longitude:

24 / 25

Buenos Aires is near the longitude:

25 / 25

Cairo is near the longitude:

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh