World Geography Quiz 2


World Geography Quiz 2

1 / 50

Identify the largest sea:

2 / 50

Kuril Islands are situated between:

3 / 50

Takla Makan Desert is located in:

4 / 50

Identify the largest strait of the world:

5 / 50

Which of these is not a metamorphic rock?

6 / 50

D-Day is:

7 / 50

Which of the following country has large number of islands:

8 / 50

Which of the following Central Asian state is enriched with the world's largest mineral resources?

9 / 50

What is subway?

10 / 50

What is the age of earth?

11 / 50

Identify the world largest city (in area):

12 / 50

What is meant by Equinox?

13 / 50

Which land of country is below the sea level?

14 / 50

The eastern Mediterranean Island Cyprus is divided between:

15 / 50

Mediterranean regions are useful for:

16 / 50

Bore is caused by:

17 / 50

Which is shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere?

18 / 50

Friendship Bridge on Oxus river connects:

19 / 50

The earth rotation on its axis is:

20 / 50

Which one is the largest salt water lake in the world?

21 / 50

Suez canal is between:

22 / 50

World largest delta is in:

23 / 50

Identify the World smallest state by population:

24 / 50

Yellow Sea lies between:

25 / 50

Rainfall related to mountains is:

26 / 50

The world largest active volcano Mauna Loa is located in:

27 / 50

A wind which reverses seasonally is known as wind:

28 / 50

The lowest point of Dead Sea is lying between:

29 / 50

Johar strait separates:

30 / 50

The season changes because of the:

31 / 50

The strength of wave action depends on all these except:

32 / 50

The world famous bridge Golden Gate is situated in:

33 / 50

Which continent is called a Dark continent?

34 / 50

Which water way gives the source of terrestrial?

35 / 50

The largest latitude circle on the earth is:

36 / 50

Antarctica is situated in the:

37 / 50

Which of these is a process of transportation in a river?

38 / 50

What kind of weathering takes place on the Valley side above the surface of the glacier?

39 / 50

In which continent is the Alps mountain to be found?

40 / 50

Before occupation of Indonesia in 1975, east timor was a colony of:

41 / 50

Which country has greatest number of volcanoes in the world?

42 / 50

What is meant by solstice:

43 / 50

Skhalin Islands are claimed by:

44 / 50

What is Green Peace?

45 / 50

After rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences:

46 / 50

Which sea is located in Central Asia?

47 / 50

The main cause of earthquakes is:

48 / 50

World smallest Islamic state in area is:

49 / 50

A canyon is a large form of:

50 / 50

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