World Rivers Quiz 1


World Rivers Quiz 1

1 / 37

Parana is a name of river located in:

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The biggest river of the world is:

3 / 37

Amu Dar'ya is a river flows in:

4 / 37

Rhine is a famous river located in:

5 / 37

Zambia is a famous river located in:

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Lona is a name of river located in:

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The outflow of Yang tze Kiang River is:

8 / 37

Tocentins is a famous river of:

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Huang Ilo is also called:

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Mackenzie is a name of river located in:

11 / 37

The source of Indus River is:

12 / 37

Thames is a famous river located in:

13 / 37

The outflow of River Brahmaputra is

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Congo is a famous river located in:

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Colorado is a river flows in:

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Missouri is a river located in:

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The approximate length of the Brahmaputra:

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Euphrates is a river located in:

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Oder is a name of river located in:

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The source of Volga River is:

21 / 37

The outflow of Indus River is:

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The tenth biggest river of the world is:

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The largest river of South America and second largest river of the world is:

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Darling is the name of:

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The source of Yellow River is:

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Seine is a name of river located in:

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The longest river of Europe and the longest river of Russia is:

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The third biggest river of the world is:

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Orange is the famous river of:

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Ob-Irtysh is a name of river located in:

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Don is a famous river of:

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Chang Jiang is the longest river of Asia flows in:

33 / 37

The approximate length of Indus River is:

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The length of the Amazon River is:

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Irrawardy is a famous river flows in:

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Elbe is a famous river located in:

37 / 37

Murray Darling is a river located in:

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