Do You Need to Peel Eggplant? Discussion Clears the Answer

Eggplant vegetarian food

Do you need to peel eggplant? While the skin of a small, young eggplant can be eaten, the skin of larger or older eggplants becomes bitter and must be peeled. Peel eggplant right before using because the flesh discolors quickly after peeling.

Eggplants have a terrible reputation for being bitter, tasteless, or simply disgusting. However, it’s generally the result of poor cooking rather than the eggplant’s problem. Roasting eggplant is the greatest method to bring out its natural flavor. But, when it comes to preparing eggplants in general, is it necessary to peel them?

Is it safe to eat the skin, or is it poisonous? Is there a difference in cooking without the skin? Let’s have a look at how to cook eggplants properly so you can get the most flavor out of them.

Do You Need to Peel Eggplant?

Eggplants can be cooked with or without their skin, but it’s more common to prepare them with the skin on. It’s the ideal technique to cook it in some circumstances, such as when roasting eggplant.

In other circumstances, where a specific appearance is required, a peeled eggplant may be a preferable choice. Moreover, In that instance, the eggplant can be peeled. In brief, the skin of the eggplant can be left on if desired. The skins of the eggplants are used in most recipes. Just make sure to thoroughly clean it.

Yes, eggplant skin is edible, especially the skins of young, sensitive vegetables that haven’t had time to stiffen and become leathery. If you have a nightshade allergy, the entire vegetable, including the skin, is not edible.

How We Can Prepare Eggplant for Cooking?

Here’s how to get eggplant ready to cook: Unless a cooking method specifies differently, remove the top and blossom ends and cut the eggplant into 12-inch slices or 34-inch cubes. 5 cups diced from a pound of eggplant

Some chefs propose salting eggplants before using them in various cooking methods. While not required, drawing out the fluids and allowing them to drain helps to temper the bitter flavor, especially in older eggplants.

Sprinkle salt on all sides of the slices or cubes and place them on a layer of paper towels. Add extra paper towels on top, as well as a plate or something to weigh them down. Allow to sit for 20 minutes before rinsing, patting dry, and using as desired. Peel eggplant are more comfortable to eat.

Read also: Does Eggplant Need to Be Refrigerated?

Is It Possible to Eat Eggplant Raw?

Eggplants can be eaten raw; however, their texture is tough to handle. They act like a dry sponge, absorbing any oil or liquid you apply to them. Raw eggplant, on the other hand, has a higher possibility of taste bitter and is tough to pair with something. In general, roasted eggplants taste better, even if they aren’t fully cooked.

Is It Necessary to Salt Eggplants Before Cooking?

Salting eggplants before cooking them is a good idea for various reasons. To begin, you must remove any excess moisture that may prevent them from cooking quickly enough. Second, adding salt enhances the flavor by making it easier for our taste buds to detect it.

Finally, certain eggplants, particularly older ones, can be harsh. When you add salt to suck out moisture, you’ll also get rid of a lot of the bitterness. This results in better eggplants, regardless of how they’re prepared.

All of this is to say that eggplants have been developed for decades to contain as few seeds as possible while also not being bitter. This means that you don’t have to salt them before cooking for the most part.

Salting was once used to counteract bitterness, but it is no longer necessary. Even so, you never know when you’re going to come find a bitter eggplant and wish you’d salted it.

Should The Insides of Eggplants Be Brown?

It’s fine if the inside of an eggplant gets a little brown, especially around the seeds. If your eggplants are mostly brown, they’re either too old or have been plucked too long ago and are nearing the end of their shelf life.

Even so, you can cook the eggplant if it does not taste awful when touched to your tongue raw. If you keep your eggplant in the fridge for a week before using it, the inside will be a little brown around the seeds.

Mistakes Made When Preparing Eggplant

As wonderful as eggplants are, they’re also a bit cryptic and difficult to master. So let’s have a look at some of the most typical eggplant cooking blunders so you don’t make them yourself.

  1. Cooking eggplants with too much or too little oil

Eggplants are known for soaking up a lot of oil. There’s almost never any cooking oil left in the pan, no matter how much you add. So you add more, and it all vanishes. Because eggplants are structured like a dry sponge, they will absorb any moisture or oil you pour on them.

If you don’t use any cooking oil, the eggplants will dry out and adhere to the pan. Using as much oil as you would for other veggies is the best way to cook eggplants. Simply brush them lightly on both sides, cover, and set aside until ready to flip. If you add a small amount of oil to the eggplants, they will still color and flip.

  1. Putting too much eggplant in the pan

Keep in mind that even if you get perfectly brown eggplants, they will still soften. Still, don’t put too many eggplant slices in the pan at once, since they’ll take longer to cook. Spread them out and, if you’re using a cover, remove it for the last five minutes.

  1. Expecting it to have more texture than it does

It’s impossible to avoid the fact that cooked eggplants are creamy veggies. If you undercook them, you’ll find that they break down quickly and have a creamy texture.

Eggplants help to balance things out. Potatoes, turnips, and carrots are good choices if you want a firmer, crispier vegetable. That’s all there is to it when it comes to whether or not you should peel your eggplants.

Because we rely on the skin to keep the creamy insides together, we never peel them. If you have any other food-related questions, be sure to check out the linked articles below; we’re constantly adding more food facts to make your life easier.

How We Can Grill Eggplant?

The top and bottom ends should be cut off. If desired, peel the eggplant and cut it into 12- to 1-inch pieces. (Instead of slicing, little eggplants can be halved lengthwise.) Brush slices with olive oil, melted butter, or cooking oil on all sides (or use an oil-base marinade).

This enhances the flavor of the slices while also preventing them from sticking to the grill rack. Season with herbs, salt, and black pepper to taste. Place eggplant straight on the grill rack or on a piece of thick foil.

Final Thoughts

Although the skin of larger eggplants can be a little tough, it is completely edible. Leave the skin on if you’re roasting the eggplant whole in the oven or on the grill, then let it cool before scooping off the flesh.