How Do I Get My Apps To Stop Rearranging Themselves


Have you ever organized your smartphone’s home screen meticulously, only to find your apps mysteriously rearranged the next time you unlock your device? This frustrating phenomenon is experienced by many smartphone users. In this article, we’ll explore why your apps rearrange themselves and provide you with practical solutions to stop this inconvenience from happening.

Why Do Apps Rearrange Themselves?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand why your apps might rearrange themselves. There are a few common reasons for this:

  1. System Updates: Sometimes, when your smartphone receives a system update, it can result in app layout changes or even reset your home screen to default settings.
  2. Third-Party Launchers: If you’re using a third-party launcher app, it may not always store your layout preferences properly, leading to app rearrangement.
  3. Overcrowded Home Screens: If you’ve filled your home screen with too many apps and widgets, your smartphone may try to reorganize them for better visibility or to accommodate new apps.
  4. Accidental Drag-and-Drop: In the process of using your phone, you might accidentally drag and drop apps, causing them to move to new locations.

How to Stop Your Apps from Rearranging Themselves

Now, let’s explore practical steps to put an end to the app rearranging issue:

  1. Lock Your Home Screen:
    • Most Android devices have an option to lock your home screen layout. Go to your home screen, tap and hold on an empty area, and look for an option to lock or secure the layout. This will prevent apps from moving around.
  2. Organize in Folders:
    • Creating folders can help keep your apps organized and prevent them from spreading out across your home screen. Simply drag and drop apps onto each other to create folders for specific categories or uses.
  3. Use a Different Launcher:
    • If your current launcher is causing the issue, consider using a different launcher app from the Google Play Store. Some launchers offer more customization and stability than others.
  4. Minimize Widgets:
    • Widgets can impact the layout of your home screen. Limit the number of widgets you use, and make sure they’re appropriately sized.
  5. Backup Your Layout:
    • Many launchers allow you to back up your home screen layout. This way, if your apps rearrange themselves due to an update or other reasons, you can quickly restore your preferred layout.
  6. Regularly Clean and Organize:
    • Take some time to review and clean your home screen. Remove apps and widgets you no longer use, and organize the remaining ones to your liking.
  7. Be Mindful of Gestures:
    • Some smartphones have gesture-based controls that might accidentally move apps. Familiarize yourself with these gestures and use them cautiously.
  8. Turn Off Auto-arrange:
    • Check your device’s settings for any auto-arrange or smart arrangement features and turn them off. These features may be causing apps to move around.
  9. App-Locking Apps:
    • Consider using app-locking apps that can lock individual apps and their positions. This way, even if you accidentally tap and hold an app, it won’t move.


While app rearrangement can be a source of frustration, you can take control of your smartphone’s home screen. By following the steps mentioned above, you’ll be better equipped to maintain your preferred app layout and prevent the annoyance of finding your apps scattered in unfamiliar locations.