Can you freeze bok choy?

bok choy

Bok choy adds a delicious crunch and a healthy dose of nutrients to stews, stir-fries, and soups! But if you have leftover Boy Coy, how do you store it without turning those veggies into mush? Can you freeze bok choy?

The problem with storing bok choy is that the vegetable tends to wilt once it’s refrigerated. However, blanching bok choy, or most leafy greens for that matter, will help preserve the product’s original texture. Slight texture changes occur, but only because the water content of the vegetable has crystallized and thawed after freezing. Quick freezing the veggies is another great way to preserve bok choy!

How do you freeze bok choy?

Start by choosing the freshest, greenest bok choy you can find on the market. Avoid bruised or yellowed bok choy bundles. Rinse the vegetables under running water to remove dirt and debris. If the bok choy hasn’t already been trimmed, use a sharp knife to snip off the ends of the stalks. For large bunches of bok choy, cut off the tough white base near the base of the leaf. Trim the bok choy and set aside. Now you are ready to prepare the vegetables for freezing.

Blanching and Freezing Fresh Bok Choy

In this process, the bok choy is cooked for several minutes and then the vegetables are immersed in an ice bath. The ice bath locks in the flavor and color of the vegetables while stopping the cooking process.

Boil a pot of water over medium-high heat. Place the bok choy in a steamer basket or colander and submerge the basket in the pot. Blanch the bok choy for 3 minutes or until the leaves turn a vibrant green. After 3 minutes, remove the basket from the pot and immerse it in ice water until completely cool.

Shake off the excess moisture from the leaf and pat the bok choy dry with a paper towel. Place the veggies in a resealable plastic bag, leaving about an inch of space before sealing. Remove the excess air and seal the plastic bag. Write down the storage date and then stick it in the freezer.

Flash frozen fresh bok choy

With this method, the prepared bok choy is pre-frozen before the vegetables are long-frozen to extend their shelf life.

Prepare the vegetables as usual (see our prep instructions above), making sure the bok choy is completely dry before blast freezing. Get a baking sheet and line it with wax paper. Place the bok choy leaves on the baking sheet in a single layer. Be careful not to touch the leaves. Stick the baking sheet in the freezer and freeze for at least 2 hours.

After a few hours, remove the baking sheet from the freezer. Place the bok choy leaves in a resealable plastic bag, leaving about an inch of space. Squeeze the plastic bag to remove excess air, then seal. Write down the storage date and then stick it in the freezer.

Read Also: Can you freeze vegetables?

Freezing cooked bok choy

If you have leftover bok choy (steamed, stuffed, stir fried, etc.) you can always freeze it for later. Simply place the bok choy in a rigid plastic container with an airtight lid. If the cooked bok choy comes with sauces or other side dishes, you may need to freeze them separately. Seal the container with the airtight lid, write the storage date, and then stick it in the freezer.

Shelf life and thawing suggestions

Bok choy can be stored in the freezer for 4 to 6 months, or longer if kept at a constant temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no need to thaw the bok choy if using it for cooking. Simply add the bok choy directly to the dish you are cooking and it will quickly defrost. But if you still want to thaw the veggies, you can. Just do it fast. Soak the frozen bok choy in a bowl of tap water for a few hours and it’s ready for your recipe.


Can you freeze bok choy? Bok choy isn’t available year-round, so it’s great that you can freeze this vegetable for later! However, keep in mind that bok choy is very delicate, so good preparation is a must to preserve its naturally crunchy texture.