What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After the extraction of wisdom teeth, the question arises that what to eat after wisdom teeth removal? What kind of food should we eat that is good for our mouth, and which should not cause any trouble or discomfort in eating?

The wisdom teeth are also known as the third molars. These teeth grow in the last part of the mouth. Most people have four teeth. Which grow in all four parts of the mouth. These teeth grow in the last part of the mouth where there is less space. So, these teeth grow at different angles.

They also cause pain and damage to other teeth. These teeth are also difficult to clean and sometimes they make the gums hollow and sometimes an infection develops. People tend to pull out their teeth to avoid these problems.

However, these teeth should not be extracted unless they cause any discomfort.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal
What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After a wisdom teeth extraction, you should eat a diet that will reduce swelling as well as improve the wound.

In addition, we should choose foods that are high in vitamins, proteins, nutrition, energy and minerals, which will help us to make up for our nutritional deficiencies as well as help the wound to heal faster.

In this article we will answer your question, what to eat after wisdom teeth removal? In response, we will tell you about the foods that you can easily eat after extracting wisdom teeth.

1. Blended Soups


In return for what you eat after wisdom teeth removal, we are going to tell you about a diet that will meet your nutritional needs as well as improve your wound.

Tomato or pumpkin soup is an excellent food after teeth extraction, with the use of which you do not feel any irritation on the wound. This soup contains a lot of nutrients that meet your dietary needs as well as heal wounds.

When making soup, blend well so that no ingredients are present in it in the form of pieces. Because the presence of pieces in the soup can irritate your wound. Cool the soup before using it, or it is better to use lukewarm soup.

This soup satisfies your nutritional needs as well as keeps you hydrated. It is better to use this soup after freezing.

2. Broths (What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?)

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal
What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

what to eat after wisdom teeth removal? In answer to the question, broths like soup are an important food. Broth is a combination of a variety of vitamins and minerals that can play an important role in improving your wound after surgery.

Bone broth is a type of broth that is nutritious. You can also make broth by boiling animal bones or connective tissue. The broth is delicious as well as helpful in healing wounds.

Cool or lukewarm the broth before using it to avoid the irritation caused by its use. Broth is also beneficial in that when you are told to use more water to keep yourself hydrated; you can use broth to hydrate yourself.

3. Greek Yogurt

greek-yogurt (What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?)
greek-yogurt (What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?)

what to eat after wisdom teeth removal? In answer to the question, broths like soup are an important food.

Broth is a combination of a variety of vitamins and minerals that can play an important role in improving your wound after surgery. Bone broth is a type of broth that is nutritious. You can also make broth by boiling animal bones or connective tissue.

The broth is delicious as well as helpful in healing wounds. Cool or lukewarm the broth before using it to avoid the irritation caused by its use. Broth is also beneficial in that when you are told to use more water to keep yourself hydrated; you can use broth to hydrate yourself.

4. Mashed Potatoes


Potato is a vegetable that is cooked and eaten in different ways in different foods. After the surgery, you can mash the potatoes and eat them.

Potatoes are rich in nutrients as well as calories. And we usually need more energy to heal the wound after surgery. Potatoes are an excellent food to meet this need. Using it will not only improve your wound but also meet your energy needs.

A few bites of mashed potatoes can meet your needs when you are hungry. Cool or lukewarm them before use. Because the use of hot things irritates the wound.

5. Scrambled Eggs


what to eat after wisdom teeth removal? How can it be that you are not told about the scrambled egg when it comes to the foods that are offered in return for this question?

Scrambled eggs are one of the most important foods to eat after surgery, as eggs are rich in protein as well as vitamins and minerals. These ingredients play an important role in healing wounds quickly.

When buying eggs, try to buy pasteurized or omega-3 types of eggs. Because they contain a lot of fat, which is very helpful in healing the wound.

You are told to eat scrambled eggs instead of other eggs because there is no harm in chewing this egg. So, while eating this egg, you are avoiding pain as well as fulfilling your nutritional needs.

6. Applesauce (What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?)


Apples are hard and crunchy in structure, which is impossible to eat after extracting Wisdom Teeth.

Fortunately, using apple sauce can not only meet your fruit needs, but also avoid the irritation caused by eating apples. Apple sauce is usually made from clean, spotless and skinless apples.

Being skinless reduces its nutritional value, as apple skin is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, skinless apples also contain plenty of vitamin C, which is needed to strengthen the immune system.

Therefore, the use of apple sauce improves your immune system, which increases the rate of wound healing.

7. Mashed Bananas


Banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world, and due to its soft texture, it is an excellent food after extracting wisdom teeth.

Bananas contain many vitamins and minerals. It contains potassium, vitamin B6, manganese and folate 15.

Usually, you can chew a banana and eat it, it does not hurt the wound so much, but you should use it by mashing it to avoid the risk of pain.

8. Banana Ice Cream


When your wound is healing after dental surgery, you are advised to eat ice cream. This is not a nutritional advice.

Although ice cream has a good effect on the wound, the amount of sugar in it is not good for health. As an alternative to ice cream, you can use homemade ice cream made from bananas, which is also nutritious.

This homemade ice cream not only meets your nutritional needs but also soothes your wounds.

How to Make Banana Ice Cream


  • 3–4 bananas
  • A splash of milk


Keep the bananas in the freezer for three to four hours, then cut the bananas into slices. Now put these slices in a blender and add splash milk.

If splash milk is not available, you can use almond milk instead. Turn the blender on until a thick smooth mixture is formed.

Then take this mixture out of the blender and enjoy this mixture.

9. Avocado (What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?)

avocado (What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?)
avocado (What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?)

When you want to know the answer to this question what to eat after wisdom teeth removal? and you know the different foods that you can eat after surgery.

So why not tell us about a fruit that you can use after surgery. This will help you to meet your nutritional needs as well as heal your wounds.

Avocado is a unique fruit, although other fruits are high in carbs. But it is low in carbs and high in healthy fats.

Avocado is nutritious and an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin C and potassium. Interestingly, animal studies have shown that avocado is an excellent food for quick wound healing.

However, this research does not prove that avocado will have the same effect on humans as it does on animals. But its use will heal wounds. Avocados can be eaten anyway because of their soft texture, but you can mash and use them to avoid discomfort.

10. Smoothies


The biggest problem for you after removing Wisdom Teeth is eating. Because eating solid food is very difficult for you as it can affect the wound.

So, in this case, Smoothie is the best option. With this method, not only can you meet your nutritional needs, but you can also get proteins that speed up wound healing.

It is very easy to use and you can add other ingredients according to your taste. For example, a smoothie of protein scoop with Greek yogurt is an excellent food, which helps to meet the amount of protein in your body as well as accelerate wound healing.

Because if the body is deficient in protein, the recovery process slows down. You can also add and eat blended fruits of your choice.

11. Hummus


Hummus is a worldwide popular food. It is a great source of fat, vitamins, minerals and protein. Hummus is the best food for people who have extracted their wisdom teeth.

You can make hummus at home with the help of food processor, chickpeas, lemon garlic, olive oil, tahini. And alternatively, you can buy premade hummus from the supermarket.

Unfortunately, you can’t eat chips and peta bread with hummus, as they are crunchy. Which can affect your wound. But hummus is a delicious food in itself, which you can enjoy.

12. Cottage Cheese


Cottage cheese is low in calories but rich in minerals and vitamins. It is best used when you are in the recovery phase after extracting Wisdom Teeth.

Cottage cheese is creamy and soft, so it is easy to chew and swallow. In addition, it contains protein which accelerates wound healing.

You can add cottage cheese to scrambled eggs or smoothies and eat.

13. Instant Oatmeal


Oats are one of the healthiest foods on earth. Oatmeal is one of the best foods you can use for your question, what to eat after wisdom teeth removal? Oats are a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Oats need to be chewed a little and the texture is sticky. Therefore, it is best to use this diet for three days after extracting Wisdom Teeth. Oats are an excellent food because of their low chewing.

To avoid irritation, make sure the oatmeal has cooled before eating.

14. Mashed Pumpkin


Pumpkin is one of the best autumn vegetables that you can use as the best food after extracting Wisdom Teeth.

Chewing and swallowing its soft texture is not a problem. Pumpkin is rich in vitamins A, C and E, and the mineral, potassium 21.

Vitamins strengthen the immune system inside the human body which improves the recovery process. Cool the pumpkin before eating to avoid irritation.

15. Salmon (What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?)


Salmon fish is a great food to eat. Due to its soft texture, you can easily eat this fish after dental surgery. Due to its soft texture, it requires less chewing.

Salmon fish is a good source of protein and fats such as omega-3s and fatty acids. Fat helps to heal wounds by reducing inflammation.

Because if the inflammation lasts longer, the wound healing process slows down.

Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Removal

What to eat after Wisdom Teeth Removal, in answer to this question you are told several foods that you can eat after extracting Wisdom Teeth.

Now we will tell you about the foods that you should not eat after removing Wisdom Teeth. Here are some foods you shouldn’t eat after taking Wisdom Teeth.

Spicy food

Consumption of these foods after surgery can irritate the wound, so such foods should not be eaten after surgery.

Crunchy and Crumbly Foods

Foods like chips and cookies can affect your wound. Because their structure is hard. So, when you eat it, it can hit your wound and cause irritation as well as affect the healing of the wound.

Most Grains and Seeds

Avoid foods containing seeds and grains after surgery. Because they affect your wound as well as cause scarring.

Chewy Foods

Your senses do not improve after surgery. So, avoid eating such foods, as you may bite your lips and cheeks while eating chewing food.


Avoid alcohol use after surgery. Because alcohol consumption can affect your wound and cause irritation. Avoid using straws after tooth extraction.

This is because the use of a straw can cause suction, which increases the risk of a dry socket in the mouth. A dry socket is a painful case in which the protective clot is removed from the place where the tooth was extracted.

As a result, the bones and nerves begin to feel the wind. Which causes pain and irritation. It also delays wound healing.