Roza Rakhne Ki Dua in Arabic

Roza Rakhne Ki Dua in Arabic

Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and it holds immense significance for Muslims around the world. In addition to abstaining from food and drink, fasting also entails a deep spiritual connection with Allah. To reinforce this connection and seek guidance and strength, Muslims recite various prayers and supplications during the month of Ramadan. One of the most essential prayers during this time is the Roza Rakhne Ki Dua in Arabic, which is recited before beginning the fast each day. In this article, we will explore the significance of this dua, its meaning, and how it strengthens the faith of those who observe it.

Roza Rakhne Ki Dua in Arabic

Before we delve into the significance of this dua, let’s first understand what it is and its significance in the context of fasting during Ramadan.

The Roza Rakhne Ki Dua in Arabic is a short but powerful prayer that Muslims recite before beginning their fast at the pre-dawn meal, known as Suhoor. It is a means of seeking Allah’s blessings, guidance, and strength to complete the fast successfully. The dua is as follows:

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ

’’اورمیں نے ماہ رمضان کے کل کے روزے کی نیت کی‘‘

I Intend to keep the fast for month of Ramadan

Significance of the Roza Rakhne Ki Dua

  1. Seeking Forgiveness: The Roza Rakhne Ki Dua emphasizes seeking forgiveness for past sins. Fasting during Ramadan is not just about abstaining from food and drink; it’s a spiritual journey that aims to purify the soul. By seeking forgiveness at the beginning of each fast, Muslims acknowledge their imperfections and seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.
  2. Intention and Dedication: This dua also signifies the importance of a sincere and dedicated intention. The act of verbally declaring the intention to fast enhances one’s commitment to the fast and ensures it is solely for the sake of Allah.
  3. Spiritual Connection: Reciting the Roza Rakhne Ki Dua in Arabic connects the individual to the divine and reinforces their relationship with Allah. It serves as a reminder of the purpose behind fasting and encourages a deeper spiritual connection throughout the day.
  4. Submission to Allah’s Will: By beginning the fast with this dua, Muslims acknowledge their submission to Allah’s command to fast during Ramadan. It reflects their willingness to adhere to the prescribed acts of worship and follow the path of righteousness.
  5. Cleansing the Soul: Fasting is not only a physical act but a means of cleansing the soul. The Roza Rakhne Ki Dua, by seeking forgiveness and guidance, helps Muslims in their spiritual journey, aiding them in self-reflection and self-improvement.


The Roza Rakhne Ki Dua in Arabic is a simple yet profound supplication that encapsulates the essence of fasting during Ramadan. By reciting it at the start of each fast, Muslims declare their intention, seek forgiveness, and reinforce their connection with Allah. It serves as a reminder that fasting is not just a physical act but a spiritual journey that purifies the soul and strengthens their faith.

As Muslims around the world observe the fasts during Ramadan, this dua remains a source of guidance, strength, and a means to draw closer to Allah. It symbolizes the significance of intention, dedication, and the transformative power of fasting. May this dua continue to inspire and guide those who embark on this sacred journey.