Geography of Pakistan MCQS with Answers Pdf Download Online test


Now we come to the right place where we get to the basic knowledge of history of Pakistan and we are giving you all the basic MCQS of Geography of Pakistan with Pdf Answers. So, download all these files by clicking respective files link for free. Prepare all these questions and answers for coming up papers such as NAT, GAT, NTS, PPSC, FPSC and CSS and for all other jobs. Furthermore, this extensive guide would be the better option for those students who have participated in upcoming jobs tests. Geography of Pakistan is related about to the land, area, climate, neighbors, weather, float, fauna, soil, air pressure, seasons, cyclones, and also know about the forests and agriculture system. All the Pdf files cover basic and advanced knowledge of Pakistan and current affairs of Pakistan also describe here. Therefore, if you looking for the multiple-choice question of all these topics download these files and read carefully. In second section you will find the series of MCQS of Pakistan historically and geographically and also given online tests. This online practice test will improve your knowledge and learning skills.  And this online practice makes you an expert of your field.

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History of Geography of Pakistan:

Pakistan is a God-Gifted country for the people of Pakistan which has its unique geography. Considerate of relief features of a country is must for proper understanding physical and economic environment.  We provide the basic information about the physical setting of Pakistan.  In this website we get knowledge about different area of Pakistan and we also included the MCQS about area of Pakistan.

Pakistan has been divided into three physical regions distinct accordance with their relief features. So, the study of following topis will help the students to understand geographic area of Pakistan.  Therefor it is obligatory to learn all such important MCQS with these answers. However, if you are looking for comprehensive study notes you are at the right place.

We provide you with most important MCQS of geography Pakistan that you can download free from here. As well, we also facilitate you by saving your time as we got MCQS from previous past papers these MCQS will help you to gain your knowledge. History of Pakistan can be divided into further more steps.

Physiography of Pakistan:

 Physical features of an area refer to the natural surface features of land such as mountains, plains, plateaus. Mountains are natural advancements of surface of earth which rise at 1000 meters above sea level.

On the basis of relief features found in Pakistan. It can be divided into three regions

  1. Mountains
  2. Plains
  3. Plateaus

1)  Mountains:

Mountains of Pakistan spread over the Northern, Western part of it. There for they can be classified as northern and western mountains.

Northern Mountains:

Northern of Pakistan contain different ranges of mountain the Karakorum, the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush.  We add multiple choice questions of different mountains ranges also given related MCQS about area and heights these all multiple-choice questions MCQS must be included in the all jobs tests we also include these questions in online tests.

Western Mountains: These mountains border the western region of the country. These are lower in altitude than the northern mountains. Western mountains can be divided into Koh-e-safed, Waziristan hills and Kirthar ranges.

2) Plains:

A large proportion of land of Pakistan consists of flat are gently rolling land surface which is categorized as plain.  Plain of Pakistan named after the five river such that Indus plains.

3) Plateaus:

These are table shaped lands which rise at 300 meters above at sea level. They are usually bunded on one are more sides by steep slopes which drop to lower land or by steep slopes rising to mountain ranges. Further details of this topics can be added in multiple choice questions. You can know about easily for this site.

Climate of Pakistan:

We also added the multiple-choice questions of this topic climate and also added past paper.

According to early Greek astronomers “the climate is the study of the condition of atmosphere over a definite time and definite conditions”. And what is the Difference between weather and climate?

Difference between weather and climate?

The term weather should not be confused with climate through they are closely related to each other. In the same country even small or large the weather phenomenon can change tremendously. It may be sunny in one area and raining dogs and cats in few kilometers away area.

We talk about the climate we are referring to the average atmospheric conditions of the certain area over a considerable time. This involves systematic observations and recording of different parameters like pressure, winds, cloud cover sunshine and humidity.

Pakistan is located at side out of the tropics where the sun slant to much especially summers in Pakistan. The oceans have moderate influence on temperature. Water has a tendency of holding the temperature for a longer period of time as it holds the energy present in the temperature.

Geography Of Pakistan Tests and Online Quiz:

Now is the most critical section in the preparation of your future final papers. No one can refuse the significance the of practice quizzes and tests as they enable us to learn concepts in a better way. Then, we are striving for providing you with such testing opportunities at this study platform.

Final Words:

Our site concept360 is an educational platform providing you with a dependable and reliable stuff without any cost. Moreover, we also save your time by providing with correct answers and we also provide you previous MCQS in single post.

Though, get the midterm or final term solved previous papers of different university by exploring the education category of concept360. And you can also search your selected topic with questions and answers they can be expert you in your field.