Why Do Chickens Cluck? Why Chickens Cluck After Laying Eggs?

Why Do Chickens Cluck

Like humans, every animal and bird has their own ways to communicate with each other. And similarly, chickens use different sounds to communicate with each other. As they use coo sound to communicate with other chickens. Not only this, chickens use flapping their feathers to propagate warnings to others. But with all of it, chickens used to make clucking sounds. So let’s dig into that why do chickens cluck?

However, as we know that chickens use several kinds of sounds to communicate with other chickens. And the clucking sound is also used to communicate with other members.

For example, chickens cluck after laying eggs, to express their health issues, when they get frightened, etc.

Now let’s have a detailed look at their clucking habit and why they do, and in what circumstances they use this clucking sound.

So if you are interested to know, then navigate this article. As in this article, I’m going to discuss chickens clucking behaviour.

Why Do Chickens Cluck?

Chickens are favorite to numerous people around the world, including me. However, they fulfill our daily needs in many ways. As their eggs and meat make a particular part of our diet. However, according to the historical record, chickens have been living with us for more than 8000 years.

And likes chickens also communicate with each other, using different sounds and other body gestures. But clucking is the method which they use the more to convey their message to others. For example, a single loud cluck represents the danger around them or when they feel frightened.

And if they cluck continuously for almost 10 minutes, then it is an egg-laying sound. As chickens clucked continuously when they laid an egg.

Moreover, they cluck when they try to gather and arrange their babies. However, they make cluck in short burst form.

However, at the start I already discuss that they make cluck sounds to represent their health issues. As they make soft and less cluck sounds when they are not feeling good.

Furthermore, these sounds also chickens make after their successful mating and also to invite another mate.

What Other Sounds Do Chickens Make?

However, clucking is not the only sound that chickens make. As they are used to make several other sounds depends upon their situation. According to research, chickens are able to make twenty-four sounds with their vocals. For example, they make,

Growl sounds, chickens make growl sounds when they are angry or want to keep other’s away from their chicks and eggs. Or you may say that a broody chicken makes such sounds the more.

Purr sounds, these are the sounds that chickens make when they are in relaxing mode. Moreover, they make this sound when they are incubating their eggs.

Tuk Tuk Sounds, chickens make these sounds when they are telling others about a delicious meal. Or inviting their young ones for a meal. You may say that it is an alarm sound that young chickens use to invite their chicks for dinner.

Squawking sound is similar to the cluck sound that chickens make when they are not feeling good. However, these squawking sounds they make when they get a minor injury, to show their pain.

Why Do Chickens Cluck After Laying an Egg?

As we get a clear idea that chickens cluck the most after a successful laying. But why? Let’s find the all possible reasons for it.

However, chickens cluck after laying an egg is due to several reasons. As they cluck after laying an egg to inform and keep other members of the flock away from their eggs. Not only this, but it is also a stunt to keep predators away as well.

Moreover, many scientists and chicken keepers believe that chickens cluck after laying an egg to announce and celebrate their successful laying. As laying an egg is not less than a victory for chickens, they proudly talk about it via clucking.

Read also: When Do Pigeons Lay Eggs ?

How Do You Stop Chickens from Clucking?

However, it is a natural behaviour of chickens to cluck and communicate with each other. So to stop them from communicating seems impossible and unrealistic. But as many people don’t like the noises of these noisy birds, so in this case, you can minimize them in several ways. So let’s dig into them.

Use Of A Blackout Box:

You can use a blackout box to cover their coop. However, the purpose of this box is to keep the coop in complete darkness so that your birds can sleep for more time. Also, as chickens used to make morning cluck sounds, you can avoid these morning clucking sounds.

However, keep in mind that the chicken’s coop has a good air supply even with the use of a blackout box.

Coop Setting:

However, a coop setting is also one of the effective ways to minimize their noises. Because when you keep a proper distance of the coop from your house, you will get less noise.

But make sure that you don’t make the coop closer to your neighbor’s house as it will become uncomfortable for them.

Insulation And Sound Proofing:

To avoid chicken sounds, you can use an insulation and soundproofing system in your chicken’s coop.

However, a chicken’s coop with insulation and soundproofing system is also available in the market. So if you want to get one, then it would be a good idea to avoid the noises of your chickens.

A Final Thought:

This article is all about to answer the question of why do chickens cluck? As, clucking is a mode of communication of chickens with others. And this is the method which they use the most to convey their several messages to other chickens.

For example, they use clucking to show fear, announce their victory of laying an egg, show any physical pain, etc.

Not only, but these chickens are also used to make several other noises like growling, squawking, purring, tuk tuk sounds, trilling, burbling, crowing, cooing, cawing, etc.

However, if you want to avoid their noises, then you can set a proper coop setting from your house. You can use an insulating and soundproofing system as well to avoid their noses.