How do Squirrels Drink Water in the Wild ? How do Squirrels stay Hydrated?

how do squirrels drink water

Water is necessary to every living thing in this world, as 60% of an adult body is water. The same goes for animal’s water is necessary to keep their bodies function properly, like regulation of temperature, nutrients absorption in the body, removing waste from the body, and also help to maintain the body’s help. So here is an interesting question to debate that how squirrels drink water in the wild?

Squirrels are little cute furry rodents who need water at least two times a day. However, they need more water than this in warm weather, during the lactation period, and during their pregnancy.

Moreover, squirrels drink water just like other rodents. So, it means they drink water by moving their head to the water level and then lap up water with their tongue.

Undoubtedly, squirrels search for water, just like food, when they get thirsty. But, moreover, as they are not picky in food similarly, squirrels don’t care about the cleanliness of the water.

That’s why they can drink water from anywhere they find it. So, squirrels can drink water from streams, rivers, bird feeders, pet bowls, fountains, and from any other water bodies.

Moreover, they can drink water from the downside of leaves, as dewdrops are collect on them in the morning. And this is the most effective method for squirrels to get water in the wild.

As also, this method is safe for them from predators. Therefore, if you want to know that how do squirrels drink water in the wild, then navigate this article as this article for you.

How Do Squirrels Drink Water in The Wild?

how long can a squirrel live without water
how long can a squirrel live without water

In Urban Areas:

In urban areas, squirrels can drink water from pet bowls, bird feeders, and also, from other water spots.

In the wild:

In the wild, squirrels can get water from the downside of leaves, where dewdrops are collect. As well as from the grass also. Moreover, they can get water from eating fruits in the wild..

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As squirrels need water on a daily basis so what if they don’t get water to drink? In this case, squirrels can drink dirty water. Yes, squirrels can also drink dirty water.

Actually, squirrels don’t mind their business in the cleanliness of the water. As well as, squirrels have a strong immune system. Therefore, they don’t get sick by drinking dirty water.

How Long Can a Squirrel Live Without Water?

Squirrels are on the list of animals who need to drink water at least two times a day for their survival. But squirrels need more water than this during their period of lactation and during pregnancy.

However, squirrels can survive without food for 5-8 days, but they can’t survive without water. So, rather than this, they need water on a daily basis to keep themselves hydrated.

Moreover, the safest way to get water in the wild for squirrels is to drink water from the downside of leaves. Not only this, they even can get water by eating the roots of plants.

How Do Squirrels Get Water in Winter?

In winters, squirrels have their own methods to get water. As, in winters squirrels get water from snow. Eating snow is the best and common way for squirrels to get water in winters.

Therefore, with this method, squirrels keep themselves safe from the deficiency of water.

However, this is not the case for all squirrels. As some types of squirrels can hibernate in winters at least for eight months. That’s why they need less water in winters.

Moreover, squirrels sleep for a long time in winters like bears. That’s why they need less water to drink in winter.

Do Baby Squirrels Need Water to Drink?

how long can a squirrel live without water
how long can a squirrel live without water

Adult squirrels need water at least two times a day, but this is not the case for baby squirrels. As baby squirrels survive on the mother’s milk for a maximum of ten weeks.

Therefore, they get water from their mother’s milk rather than drinking water. And after that, they become full adults, and then they need water like other adult squirrels.

Should I Give Water to Squirrels:

Yes, of course, we have to give water to squirrels, especially in summer. As they need a lot of water to keep themselves hydrated.

Not only this but also, we have to keep water to birds also in the summer. However, we have to keep this in mind to place bird feeders in a place where birds can easily drink.

For squirrels, it’s better to keep to water pots in the bottom of trees. So that they can get water easily without the danger of predators.

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One more advantage of this act is that squirrels can drink it easily as they are shy from humans. Secondly, under trees water can’t get warm easily. And that’s why squirrels can drink it for a long time.


In the wild, squirrels have many options to get water, like streams, fountains, lakes, plant roots, fruits, etc. As squirrels can survive without food but can’t without water.

Moreover, they need water on a daily basis, at least two times a day. And during pregnancy and lactation period they need more water.

Squirrels, drink water from pots by lowering their head near the water level and then lick it up like cats. But not only these squirrels can drink water from bottles.

And in winters, they eat snow to fulfill their needs of water. So therefore, we should have to give water to not only squirrels but also to birds.