

What is URL normalization
What Is URL Normalization? Explain How It Works and How It Affects SEO
If you don’t normalize the URL, your site’s evaluation will be dispersed and Google will...
anchor link
What Is an Anchor Link? Easy-To-Understand Explanation of Usage, Benefits, And Precautions
Are you familiar with the term anchor link? Many people don’t know about anchor links because they...
www Difference
What Is the Difference Between URL with and Without Www? Explanation of The Need to Unify and How to Set It Up
Many people may think that the URL of the site always has “www”. However, if you look closely,...
What is direct in Google Analytics
What is "direct" in Google Analytics?
Are there many “direct / none” when you check the inflow source in Google Analytics? “Direct”...
What Is an Active User
What Is an Active User? Explanation of Analysis Methods and Points to Increase
If you don’t have a good understanding of active users, you will lose opportunities in running...
Methods of Categorization
Three Methods of Categorization, Tips, And Effects On SEO
What do you know about categorization? Categorization improves SEO, so it is a very important task when...
What Is a Crawler
What Is a Crawler? Explanation of How Search Engines Work and Effective SEO Measures
A crawler is a program that crawls through countless web pages and collects necessary information. The...
Site Structure and SEO Effects
Explanation of The Points and Merits of How to Create a Site Structure and SEO Effects
Are you familiar with the term site structure? Site structure is an effective method for SEO measures...