

Black Hat SEO
What Is Black Hat SEO? Explain The Difference and Effectiveness from White Hat SEO
It is dangerous that the SEO measures taken on the website that you operate are unintentionally in violation...
Table of Contents for Your WordPress
Do You Need a Table of Contents for Your WordPress Blog? Introducing The Setting Method and How to Make
Once you have created your WordPress blog, you want it to be read by as many people as possible. However,...
What is Penguin Update
What Is Penguin Update? Explain The Background of the Introduction and The Impact On SEO
“What changed in Google’s penguin update?” Google updates regularly, but not many people...
SEO and Keywords count
Explaining The Relationship Between SEO and The Number of Keywords
One of the things you should be concerned about when doing SEO measures is the number of keywords per...
What Is Not Set In Google Analytics
What Is "Not Set" In Google Analytics? Explanation of What It Means and How to Deal with It
If “not set” appears when using Google Analytics, the accuracy of data analysis may decrease. In...
learning SEO
Explaining 5 Points That Beginners Should Keep In Mind When Learning SEO
“I want to learn about SEO, but what and how should I learn?” Have you ever felt like this...
SEO and listing ads
What is the difference between SEO and listing ads? Explanation of points for proper use and combination
When creating content such as websites and blogs, you naturally want to aim for high rankings in search...
What is web analytics
What is web analytics (web analytics)? Explanation from types to recommended tools and approaches
Do you know why you need web analytics (web analytics)? Some people may not understand the necessity...