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Cleaning Laundry
Page 6
Cleaning Laundry
How to remove blood stains from towels and clothes
Don’t you think blood stains on towels and clothes are difficult to remove? By using the proper...
How to clean your bathroom fan! What are the efficient procedures and precautions?
The ventilation fan in the bathroom, which is usually hard to reach, is surprisingly dirty with dust...
What is the guideline for cleaning the ventilation fan?
Cleaning the ventilation fan is a hassle and tends to be postponed, but old oil stains can be untouchable. It...
Here's how to clean your screen door effectively
The screen door is where dirt accumulates while you don’t know it. Many people put it off because...
How to wash linen fabric? Explain the correct way to wash at home, including how to dry!
Clothes made from linen are breathable and comfortable to wear. If you wash linen fabric incorrectly,...
Basic techniques for cleaning around the kitchen
Would you like to make cleaning your kitchen easier? However, some people say that they don’t know...
How to clean a gas stove! How to clean stubborn oil stains and burns?
Stubborn dirt easily sticks to the gas stove that you use every day, and you have to devise a cleaning...
How to burn off an IH cooking heater
IH cooking heaters are said to be easier to maintain than gas stoves. However, if you spill or neglect...
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